Issue with Converting Challans with Inconsistent "Refer By" Details to Invoices in SwilERP Version
Bug Description:
SwilERP Version fixes an issue where converting multiple challans to invoices caused errors when the challans had different "Refer By" details (e.g., some with a salesperson, others without).
This issue has been fixed in Version Follow these steps to convert challans into invoices without errors:
Steps to Convert Challan to Invoice
- Update to Version
- Navigate to Sales Module > Sales Invoice > Convert Challan to Invoice.
- Set Date Ranges for period and credit note.
- Select Invoice Details (Date, Invoice Series, BOS Series).
- Filter and Select Challans (Customer, Challans, Credit Notes).
- Click OK to convert, or Cancel to exit.
Fix Explanation
With this update, the system no longer generates errors when converting challans with inconsistent "Refer By" details into invoices.
For further issues, ensure your software is up-to-date or contact Swil Support.