RetailGraph Patch Update (Version - Check New Features?

RetailGraph Patch Update (Version - Check New Features?


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RetailGraph Patch Update

(New Features Addition & Issues Resolved)



Dear User,


Get information about latest RetailGraph Patch update (Version with New Features.



New Features:



1. Add new fields "Mobile" and "Email/UserID" in User master. Also, add a message on the login screen to update Email/UserID with a validity of 30 days.
Note: Added new fields as above in user master. Whenever you log in, a message will come here to update the same fields, which have a validity of 30 days for an update. You will get an OTP on your email, which is used to save entered details.



2. Add a new field "Refer By" to select Refer By wise transaction in the Export/Import Transaction option.
Note:  In Export Import Data -> Export Transaction, added a new filter for the "Refer By" selection.


3. Add a New field, "Export UniqueID Image" in the Export/Import Transaction option for Sales Transactions.
Note:  In Export Import Data -> Export Transaction, added a new option for select "Export UniqueID Image" in sales transactions.


4. Add a new option, "Remove TDS Dr. Note", on the right click of the purchase invoice to remove the TDS debit note from the same.

Note:  Added new option as above to Remove TDS Debit Note, which is generated for purchase invoice. It will be available when right-click in the purchase invoice detail grid.


5. Add a new field "Include Branch transfer" on Product wise Sales/Purchase report.
Note:  Added new option "Include Branch transfer" to generate branch transfer transactions with sales/purchase transactions in product-wise sales/purchase report.


06. Add the new option "Master From HO" in the branch master it will be used for product mapping in the import transaction. And it will be selected automatically on behalf 'Use Alias' option in the import transaction. 

Case1 all transactions having use alias true, Master From HO will be false 

Case2 all transactions having use alias false, Master From HO will be true 

Case3 any one transaction having use alias false, Master From HO will be true 

Case4 all transactions having use alias false and Customer/Vendor not selected in the branch, Master From HO will be true 

Case5 all transactions having use alias false and Customer/Vendor selected in one branch, Master From HO will be true 

Case6 all transactions having use alias true and Customer/Vendor selected in one branch, Master From HO will be false 

Case7 all transactions having use alias true and Customer/Vendor not selected in the branch, Master From HO will be false

Note : Added new option in branch master, which will check product linking on import transactions by Product ID when it is selected. Check product linking on import transactions by Product Name when it is not selected.


07. Added a new Option, "Show Last Month Sales on Purchase Order", in System Default to show the last 12 months' sales and purchases in the Purchase order and order book.

Note: System Defaults -> RetailG Settings -> Show Last Month Sales on Purchase Order from the above selection, you will get products wise last 12 months' sales and purchases in the Purchase order and order book.


08. Change URL for online support.

Note: Update URL of Start->help->Online Support option


09. Change the URL for the knowledge base.

Note: Update URL of Start->help->knowledge base


10. Add new notification and announcement icons.



11. Add the "Import Master" table in the LOG menu; it will show the log data of import excels. 

Note: Now Import Log will be available for master import which is done from an excel sheet.


12. Add a new option GSTR3B detail in GST Query. 

Note: Now option provided for generate "GSTR3B details" in GST Query.


13. Add the "Generate PDF & Send WhatsApp" button in the Print Transaction option. 

Note: Added new option in options->Print Transaction for Generate PDF of transactions and Send WhatsApp from here directly.

14. Add new WhatsApp web functionality to send messages. 

Note: Now you can send WhatsApp messages directly from retailgraph using Web WhatsApp linking without WhatsApp API using Web WhatsApp.


15. Add a new option, "WhatsApp", on the right click of reports. 

Note: Added sends WhatsApp option on the right click of reports.


16. Add the User Define Form button on masters. 

Note: Now User Define Form will be available on masters form, e.g. product master.


17. Add functionality to Export/Import Generic master through an XML file. 

Note: Now, Generic master will also export and import transactions through XML files.


18. Now, Station is mandatory in Branch Master, and it will be considered to choose Interstate and Intrastate tax types in transactions.

Note: Now, Station is mandatory in Branch Master, and Interstate and Intrastate tax types will select in transactions based on party and branch station(state).


19. Remove the field "Use Alias" from the Export/Import Transaction option and change the functionality of the mapping product. 

Note: Now, in the case of CSV mapping, it will be done on product name only.


20. Add functionality to execute a schedule of other forms when create transactions through ExtraSP on save. 

Note: Add functionality to run a schedule when create transactions through ExtraSP on save.


21. Add Customer Alias and Product Category column in Report -> Customer Reports -> Customer Wise Product.

Note: Added new column as above in set grid layout of the report.


22. Add Receipt Number and Date column in Receipt Detail of Reports->Sales Report->Check List. 

Note: Added new column as above in set grid layout of the report.


23. Add Alias column in Reports->Check list report. 

Note: Added new column as above in set grid layout of the report.


24. Add a new Tax Audit Report in GST Menu. 

Note: Provided new report for Tax Audit in GST Menu.


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