Here we have a feature in Retailgraph from which we can validate party drug license valid till date at the time of sales invoice of customer.
From that feature we will receive alert message on sales invoice save if customer drug license is expired.
Now follow the steps to enable validation on sales invoice save for customer drug license valid till date.
Step 1 : Start->Masters->Customer/Vendor->Customer
Step 2 : Now we have enter customer wise drug license details properly in customer master as following.
Step 3 : Enable feature from System Default
Start->Options->System Default
(Note : to open system default password is required, for same please contact us)
Now after open System Default Select “Others” tab on top of parameter window and select required parameters.
Not Applicable
: Not required any alert on save invoice.
: Required save invoice with warning alert message.
: Required Not save invoice and lock invoice.
Step 4 : Sales Invoice Alert message for validation.
as above enabled feature and selected alert type,
you will get alert message on sales invoice save in case customer drug license valid till date expired.