Consolidated Report of Trading Account

Consolidated Report of Trading Account

A Quick Guide to View SwilERP Enterprise Consolidated Trading Reports

Unlock insights into your business's profit/loss trends with SwilERP Enterprise's Consolidated Trading Accounts. Easily assess trading activities, compare annual sales and purchases, and streamline your financial analysis. Follow the steps below for effortless access and comprehensive reviews.

Start with Login in the SwilERP to initiate the process

  1. Go to Menu > Consolidated Data.
  2. Select Account Reports > Trading Account option.

Reference Image:
SwilERP Dashboard Window

How to view Trading Account details:

    1. Navigate to the Home tab.
    2. Choose the desired Date Range using the "From" and "To" options.
    3. Optionally, enable Last Year Comparison by ticking the corresponding checkbox if needed.
    4. Click Closing Stock for quick access.
    5. Finalize the process by selecting the View option.

    Reference Image:
    Trading Account Window

    Expenses Section:
    1. Purchase Account: View purchase transaction amounts.
    2. Gross Profit: Find Gross Profit details in this section.

    Income Section:
    1. Sales Account: Access sales transaction amounts.
    2. Closing Stock Value: See the closing stock amount in this section.

    Reference Image:
    Expenses & Income Window

    Export Trading Account in Excel:

    1. Navigate to the Display section.
    2. Click on the T option.
    3. Choose the Excel format for exporting your statement.
    4. Select the Export option to generate the Excel file.

    Reference Image:
    Export Trading Account Window

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