What is Cost Center? How to Apply Cost Center in SwilERP Software

Cost Center

How to Apply Cost Center Process in SwilERP (RetailGraph)

In SwilERP, the cost center option is used for an accounting purpose to calculate the business or company expense. Moreover, you have to allow a cost center on a particular account you want to apply. The cost center window will appear only on the account on which this applies.

Start with Login in SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process

The first step you have to do is to allow the All Cost Center option from the stock location section. On which location do you want to allow this option, select it. Follow the below-given steps to know the process:
  1. Go to the Masters> Inventory> Stock Location.
  2. A new window of Stock Locations will appear in the next slide.
  3. Select and Edit location, in which you want to allow Cost Center option.
Reference image:

Stock Location Window

  1. Go to the Stock Detail section.
  2. Tick-Mark on the All Cost Center option to allow it.
  3. Save the page with the given option.
Reference image:

Stock Detail Window

How to allow cost center in ledger accounts

After allowing the cost center option in stock location section, the second step is to enable this option in Ledger Accounts. Follow the below-mentioned steps to know the process:

  1. Go to the Masters> Accounts> Ledger Account.
  2. Select the Ledger account on which you want apply Cost Center.
  3. Select the Account and go to the Edit option.
Reference image:

Ledger Account Window

  1. A Ledger Account window will appear in the next slide.
  2. Tick-Mark on the Apply Cost Center option.
  3. And, Save the window.
Reference image:

Apply Cost Center Option Window

How to Create Cost Center

Now, you have to create cost center from the masters section.
  1. Go to Menu> Masters> Accounts> Cost Center.
Reference image:
SwilERP Dashboard Window
  1. A new window of creating Cost Center will appear in the next slide.
  2. Enter the Cost Center name in the column. (For example, you created office expense cost center)
  3. Select the Stock Location from the location column.
  4. Tick-Mark on the status: Continue.
  5. Save the page with the given option.
Reference image:

Cost Center Window

How to Apply Cost Center in Accounts

After creating cost center from the masters, apply cost center in the ledger account. As you already know from above given introduction, the cost center process will work for accounting purpose in SwilERP. Follow the below-given steps to know the process:
  1. Go to Menu> Accounts> Journal Voucher.
Reference image:
Journal Voucher Window
  1. Select the Account name from the drop-down list on whom you applied the cost center option.
  2. The Party name and Current balance columns will automatically field.

  3. Enter the Debit amount and Cost Center details window will appear next.

Reference image:

Journal Voucher Window

  1. Select the Cost Center details from the drop-down list, or you can create a new cost center by new option.

  2. Enter the Cost amount in Amounts section.

  3. If you want to enter any remark, then update it in a Remarks section.

  4. Press OK button.

Reference image:

Cost Center Details Window

  1. After selecting cost center details, enter the Account name for Credit amount.
  2. Save the window with the given option of saving.
Reference image:

Journal Voucher Window

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