Learn How to Create Account Group Name in SwilERP ERP

Create Account Group

How to Create Account Group Name in SwilERP (RetailGraph)

In accounting, an account group is defined as the supporting report or document which includes detailed information of financial reports. For example, you can create current liabilities for groups of accounts and then include all liabilities data in this group. In SwilERP, you can view the account details group-wise after creating the Group. In this, you have to add the details of the Master group, Group name, Group alias, or Nature of business. These groups help to categorize the details of transactions.

First, login in SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process:

  1. Go to the Master Data> Accounts> Account Group.
  2. After that, a new window Account Group will appear in next slide.
Reference image:
SwilERP Dashboard Window

Process to Create Group Name

A new window for creating a group name will appear in the next slide. Here you'll see all the created groups by system default. To create a new account group name, go to the New tab and follow the steps for further process.
  1. Select the Master Group name from the drop-down list in which master you want to add your group. (For example, you entered current liabilities as master group)
  2. The Group Type column will automatically be filled after selecting the master group name.
  3. Enter Group name which you want to create, suppose you entered "Advance Received from Customer" in column.
  4. Add group Alias name, if required.
  5. Select Nature of Group as Assets, Liabilities, Income, Expenses.
  6. Tick mark on the options:
    1. Show Details in Report
    2. Net Cr/Dr Balance for reports
  1. And, click on the Save button.
Reference image:
create group nameAccount Group Window

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