How to Create Customer in SwilERP (RG) Software

Create Customer Master

Adding a New Customer in SwilERP Software

Creating a customer in SwilERP software refers to adding a new customer to the system. The customer record typically includes details such as the customer's name, contact information, address, credit limit, payment terms, tax registration number, and other relevant information.

By creating a customer in SwilERP, you can easily manage your customer information and use it for various business transactions such as sales, invoicing, and customer service. Overall, creating a customer in SwilERP is an important step in setting up your business and ensuring that you have a streamlined system for managing customer information and transactions.

Start with Login in the SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process:

  1. Go to the Masters menu.
  2. Click on Customer/Vendor > Customer option.
Reference Window:

SwilERP Dashboard Window

How to enter details in the Customer Detail tab:

  1. In the next window, the customer tab will appear. 
  2. Enter the Name of the customer in a dialog box. 
  3. If you want to give any short name, then enter the name in the Alias column. 
  4. Fill in the details in the Address, Station, District, Pin code, and State columns of the customer. 
  5. Enter details in the Phone and Mobile number columns.
  6. You can enter the details of Credit Days/ Over Due Days/ Credit Limit. 
  7. If required, then enter the customers' GST details. 
  8. If you have a centralized database, select the customer Location where you want to show the customer's detail.
  9. Then, as per requirements, fill in the other details in the given columns. 
Reference Window:

Customer Details Window

How to Enter Additional Details:

In this window, users can add additional details of the customers, i.e., opening points, expiry date, license detail, etc. Do follow the below-mentioned instructions to add these details.

  1. Enter the Opening Points of the customer which you want to give. 
  2. Enter the Expiry date of opening points if you want to add them. 
  3. If you do not want to have any transaction with this customer, tick mark in the 'Is Defaulter' check box.
  4. You can add the HFR (Health Facility Registration) number in the License 2 column if it is necessary.
  5. Add other License details if you have any.
Reference Window:

Additional Details Window

How to add Shipping Details of the customer:

  1. Shipping Address Checkbox: Option to select if the shipping address is the same as the billing address.
  2. Enter recipient’s Name and Address.
  3. Select Station and Locality from dropdown menus.
  4. Fill in State and Pin code (postal code).
  5. Provide Phone, Mobile, and Email contact details.
  6. Click Save to confirm and save the shipping details or Cancel to exit without saving.
Reference Image:

Shipping Details Window

How to select details in the Price List tab:

Users can set a price on the Products for a particular Customer, and also they can apply the filter on it.

  1. Select and Filter the products from the product tab.
  2. After selecting the product, click on the Update option. 
  3. Now, you can set MRP and Sale rates accordingly.
  4. You can also Import the List of the products from the option of Import. 
  5. The Last step is to  Save the page after filling all details in tabs. 
Reference Window:
Price List Details Window

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