What is the process for creating a group name in SwilERP
Create Group Name by Master Data
How to Create Group Name in SwilERP
Meaning of Group Name?
The Group defines the products manufacturing company name. For Example, in the pharmacy sector, "Cipla" is product's group name that we enter while creating the product.
In the Master Data section, there is an option to view every Group name and create a New Group. Users can easily view their group list and as per requirements, they can also Create or Edit a particular group name.
Do follow these instructions for creating a new Group
Open SwilERP dashboard in System Section:
Go to Master data> Product information> Group.
SwilERP Dashboard Window
In the next slide, you'll see the Group list:
There you can view the list of Groups.
If you want to create a new group then click on the NewOption.
Users can also edit and view previously added groups with Edit and Form View option.
Print, Delete and Refresh options are also available.
Group List
To create a new Group:
Click on the New option.
Enter the Name of your Group.
Give a short name in the Alias column.
Select Marketing Company, if required.
Then, as per your requirement fill in other details.
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