How to Create Purchase Challan & Convert in Purchase Invoice in RetailGraph

Create Purchase Challan & Convert into Invoice

How to Create Purchase Challan & Convert into Purchase Invoice in SwilERP

What is a purchase challan?

Before creating a purchase challan, we must first understand what a purchase challan is.

Purchase Challan is an invoice issued by the buyer to a seller for purchasing products. It's a document to confirm purchasing, and users can easily create a purchase challan in SwilERP. After creating an invoice, products will automatically be added to stock. Purchase challan is a non-accounting invoice. If a user wants to do accounting, they have to Clear Challan in the purchase invoice.
In the other way, Purchase Challan is a document type for the confirmation of delivery of the goods, for which a purchase bill is created once confirmed. Purchase Challan is also created to maintain the record of the Inventory.

Here is the process to create purchase challan in SwilERP.

Start with Login in SwilERP Dashboard to initiate the process    

  1. Go to  Purchase> Purchase Challan.
Reference image:
SwilERP Dashboard Window
Process to Create Purchase Challan
A new window of purchase challan will appear in the next slide. Update the following details to create a purchase challan:
  1. Select the Vendor's name in the column.
  2. Enter the Reference No of your challan and update other details of vendor.
  3. Select the Product from the drop-down list or you can create it by new tab. 
  4. Select the Batch no of product and MRP, Sale Rate, and Rate details will automatically filed. 
  5. Enter Quantity of the product.
  6. You can choose multiple products here.
  7. Save the window.
( Note:  If you create a product manually, then you have to update the Batch no, MRP, Sale rate, and rate details)

Reference image:

Create purchase challan in retailgraph.

To Print and Preview the purchase challan  

Users can easily preview the invoice and print it out with the options in the view tab.
  1. Go to View tab. 
  2. Select Preview option, if you want to view the invoice.
  3. Click on Print Options to print the purchase order invoice.
Reference image:

Print and preview in Purchase Challan in Retailgraph.

How to convert challan into invoice 
  1. To Clear Purchase Challan into Purchase Invoice:
  1. Go to Purchase Invoice .
  2. Select the name of the Vendor name  that you've created a purchase challan.
  3. Then you will see the Popup window that indicates information for pending challan.
  4. Go to Clear Challan option.
  5. Select the Product that you want to clear challan and press OK.
Reference image:

Covert challan in Purchase invoice in retailgraph.
  1. To Save the Clear challan window:
    1. After selecting details of the  Product  all further details will be automatically filled. 

    2. Now  Save   the page to convert challan into invoice.
Reference image: 

Create purchase invoice in retailgraph.

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