How to Create Schedule for Accounts in SwilERP Pharmacy Software

Create Schedule for Accounts

How to Create Schedule for Accounts in SwilERP


Meaning of schedules in accounts

In accounting, a schedule is defined as the supporting report or document which constitutes detailed information, explaining the elements of the financial report. Account schedules provide a place for calculations that can't be made directly in the chart of accounts. For example, you can create current liabilities for groups of accounts and then include all liabilities data in the group.  

In SwilERP, you can view the accounts detail schedule-wise after creating the schedule. In this, you have to add the details of Master group, Group name, Group alias, or Nature of business. These schedules help to categorize the details of transactions.   

Do follow the below-given process to create schedules for accounts: 

Open SwilERP dashboard in Accounts section 

  1. Go to the Master Data> Schedules.
schedulesSwilERP Dashboard Window
Here is the process to create schedule:
  1. You can view the list of created schedules
  2. There users can Edit the schedule. 
  3. If you want to create new schedule then click on the New option.
create scheduleRibbon Option Tab

To create a new schedule 

Users can create new schedule from this option: 
  1. Click on the New option.
  2. Select the Master Group name from the drop-down list. 
  3. Enter the Group Name manually. 
  4. Add group Alias name. 
  5. Enter Nature of Group as Assets, Liabilities, Income, Expenses. 
  6. Tick mark on the options:
    1. Show Details in Report 
    2. Net Cr/Dr Balance for reports 
  7. Save the window. 
create a new scheduleCreate Schedule

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