How to Create Tax Type Category According to Tax Slab in RetailGraph

Create Tax Type Category

How To Create Tax Category in SwilERP (RetailGraph)

In SwilERP, you can create a tax category for every slab rate on your sales and purchase transactions. If you want to add a tax rate on your products, you can create it manually, or you can also choose from the list. From the system default, some tax categories are automatically created in software. To create a tax category, do follow the below-given process.

Start with login in SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process

  1. Go to the Masters section in RetailGraph.
  2. Click on the Inventory > Tax Category. 
Reference image:
SwilERP Dashboard Window

To create a new Tax Category follow the below-given steps:

    1. First, you have to select Sale/Purchase in which tax will be applied.
    2. Now, Select the Tax type from drop down list on which you want to apply tax. For example, you choose GST.
    3. From the same window, you can fill Inter-state details.
    4. Select Tax Category (0,3,5,12,18 or other).
    5. Add Tax code, if you want to give any code to this tax type. 
    6. Enter the Description of the tax type. 
    7. Now, select Posting Account- 
      1. First, choose the tax i.e. CGST, SGST in columns.
      2. Select the account name in which your taxable amount will show in Sales, Sales Return & Claim allowed columns.
    1. SGST and CGST Rate and all further details will be filed automatically in the below-given columns.
Reference image:

create a new Tax CategoryTax category

  1. If you have additional tax (for example, Cess), you can update in additional tax rates.
  2. You can Add a Description and, according to this, choose Tax applicable on and Posting A/c. 
  3. These are not mandatory fields, but if users want to add, they can add them.
  4. Click on the Save button.
Reference image:
Additional Details Tab

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