Learn How to Use Facilities of Create All Transaction Series in SwilERP

Facilities of Create All Transaction Series

How to Use Facilities of Create All Transaction Series in SwilERP

Basic information on transaction series

According to your transactions in software, you can create transaction series. The series defines your multiple transactions, such as sales, purchases, debit/credit notes, counter sales, etc. Also, in the transaction series window, you can select the options on which series will be applied: All, Taxable, and Exempted.

With this option, you can create all series names of transactions simultaneously. This option is helpful for users to create all transaction series in one window. Users want to create a series to record the data according to their requirements.

Starts with Login in SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process
  1. Go to the System> System Maintenance> Reposting> Repost Receipt Entry.
Reference image:

Repost Receipt Entry.SwilERP Dashboard Window

How to Create Transaction Series

  1. Go to the Facilities section and Click on the Create All Transaction Series.
  2. Enter the Series Name which you want to create.
  3. Now, select the Transaction whose you want to create a series from the transaction option.
  4. Select the Location in which you want to create the series.
  5. Enter Starting Number of transaction series.
  6. Enter the Description name, if needed.
  7. Press OK to save the window.
  8. And after that, Transaction series successfully created; this message will appear with a pop-up window.
As shown in the below-given image:

Create All Transaction SeriesSystem Maintenance Window

Note: After creating all transaction series from the system maintenance section, you must tick a mark on the posting account in the series you want to add.

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