How to Manual Generate E-Way Bill from RetailGraph ERP | Create E way Bills Manually

Generate Manual E-way Bill

How to Generate Manual E-Way Bill in SwilERP (RetailGraph)

What is E-way Bill?

The e-way bill is another major reform under the goods and services Tax (GST) regime for tracking goods movement. It is typically required to accompany goods on their movement from the consignor to the consignee. It is governed by a uniform set of rules applicable throughout the country. It is generated electronically on the e-way portal.

When is an E-way bill Generated?

An E-way bill is required when a movement of goods of value is more than Rs 50,000. The registered company generates it before the commencement of the movement. It must contain the details of the goods being transported. 

In this article, we will explain how to generate the E-way way manually. SwilERP software provides an option to generate the E-way bills in the 'GST' section. The user can view the generated, non-generated bills, GST No, gross amount, net amount, entry date, etc.

Note:-  Before generating a manual E-way bill, customer details such as station, address, station, pin code, and GSTIN should be entered.

To generate manually E-way bills, follow the below steps:-

Start with Login in the Retailgraph dashboard to initiate the process:

  1. Go to the GST menu.
  2. Select E-Way Bills > Generate E-Way Bills.
Reference Window:-
SwilERP Dashboard Window

How to view Bills details in the next appearing window:-

  1. Go to the Home tab.
  2. Select the Date Range 'From to To', and the details will show according to the same.
  3. Which Transaction bills do you want to generate? Select that from the drop-down list.
  4. If you want to generate an E-Way invoice for a particular customer, select that Customer name from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter the Bill Amount, and the details will show according to the same.
  6. Select the Transaction Type, if needed.
  7. Tick/Untick on Generated Bills and Non-Generated Bills.
  8. Select the Series, if required.
  9. Click the View tab and all details
Reference Window:-
Details Window

The next step is how to generate E-way Bills: 

  1. Select the bills whose E-Way bills you want to generate.
  2. Now, click on the given Generate option.
  3. Now enter the file name and save it.
Reference Window:-
Generate E-Way Bills Window

How to convert data into the Chart form:

  1. In the selected Home tab.
  2. Click on the Chart tab and select the chart format in which you want to convert the data.
Reference Window:-
Chart Format Window

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Data Analysis Process:

  1. Go to the Analysis tab.
  2. Select the Date-Range 'From to To'.
  3. Click on the View tab.
  4. Use the field list to arrange fields in a Pivot Table.
  5. After choosing fields, you will see the data in Analysis Grid.
  6. Enter the name and click on the Save tab to save this Report.
  7. If you want to open the previous Report, enter that report name and click on the Open tab.
  8. Users can Remove/Export, and Import the Report as their requirement.
  9. You can set Grid as per the requirement.

How to use the Areas Section:

  1. Use the areas section (at the bottom) of the field list to rearrange fields the way you want by dragging them between the four areas. 
  2.  Fields that you place in different areas are shown in the PivotTable as follows:

  1. Filters  

  2. Columns

  3. Rows

  4. Values

Reference Window:-
Analysis Tab Window

How to Print/ Preview and export the details:

  1. Go to the Display tab.
  2. To take the printout, click on the Print and Preview tab.
  3. Click on the 'T' point and select the export format in which you want to export the details.
Reference Window:-
Print/Preview & Export Tab Window

Uploading JSON File:

After generating the JSON file, you need to upload the same file to their website after logging into it. The reference link to the website is given below: 

Reference Link:

Reference Window:-

  1. Acquiring JSON from GSTN: When the JSON file from SwilERP is uploaded on the above site successfully, another JSON file containing the following details Ack No., Ack Date, IRN, E way bill No, and E way bill date will be created on the site which needs to be downloaded.

  1. Updating E-Way details: After acquiring the JSON from GSTN, we need to update it in SwilERP, and for the same, we need to go to Start > GST > E-Way Bills > Update E-Way Bills option. In this option, we have to import the JSON from GSTN. And after importing it, details like Ack No., Ack Date, IRN, E-way bill No, and E-way bill date will be updated in the respective Sales Invoice in SwilERP.

Reference Window:-
SwilERP Dashboard Window

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