How to Give Application Rights to Users in Swil Admin

Give Application Rights to User

How to Give Application Rights to Users in Swil Admin

The administrator can grant application access to users by selecting specific branches from the displayed list. By choosing a particular branch, access privileges can be provided to the selected user. It is important to note that only users with the necessary application rights can log in to the application, ensuring secure access and maintaining proper authorization.

Start with login in Swil Admin to initiate the process

  1. Go to the Dashboard window.
  2. Click on the Apps option.
Reference image:
Apps Option Window
  1. After that, a window of Apps will appear in the next slide.
  2. Branches are displayed on the left side of the screen.

  3. Also, Applications are shown at the top of the screen.

Reference image:

Applications/Branches Window

How to Give Access for Applications

  1. Choose Branch and User for granting user rights.
  2. After selecting it, tick mark on the Check Box for which application you want to give access.
  3. Click on the Save button.
Reference image:
Applications Window
Note: Once you have completed the process, users will be able to access the provided application.

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