How to Analysis Group Product Wise Purchase Variation Report in SwilERP

Group Product Wise Purchase Variation Reports

How to Analysis Group Product Wise Purchase Variation Report in SwilERP

Meaning of Group Product Wise Purchase Variation Report.

A variation report compares what was supposed to happen with what happened. Usually, variation reports used to analyze the difference between budget and actual performance.
In the SwilERP software, there is an option to view the Group product-wise purchase report in the Analysis section. Users can view the details of the group name, product name, and product values.

Open SwilERP dashboard:-
  1. Go to the Analysis section:

  1. Select the Variation Reports > Group Product Wise Purchase.
SwilERP Dashboard Window

How to view group product wise purchase report:

  1. To view the report:-
  1. Go to the Home section.
  2. Enter the Date Range 'From to To.'
  3. Enter the Variation Rate that the user required.
  4. As per the requirement, tick the mark in the Less Sales Return/Print Nil Qty Product check box.
  5. If the users want to apply the filter in the report, select the Product tab and use a filter in it.
  6. Click on the View tab.
Report Window

How to view the report in the Chart form: 

  1. To view the report in Chart form:-
  1. Go to the Home section.
  2. Click on the Chart tab.
Note: There will be many options inside the Chart tab, for example, Palette, Show Title, Show Grid-lines, Totals Only, etc. You can also select the options which you require. 
Chart Tab Window

How to Print and Preview this report:

  1. To take the Printout and Preview:-
    1. Go to the Display Tab.
    2. Before printing the report, if you want to view the report will be printed, click on the Preview tab.
    3. To take the printout, click on the Print tab.
Print & Preview Tab Window

How to export the report:

  1. To export it into Excel and other formats:-
  1. Go to the Displaysection.
  2. Click on the 'T' option to export a report into Excel, PDF, Text, XML, etc.
Export Tab Window

How to send the report:

  • To send an E-Mail of the report:-
  1. Go to the Display section.
  2. Click on the 'A' option to share an E-Mail of the report. 
  3. First, convert the report into Excel, PDF, Text, or XML, then enter the E-mail id of the sender and receiver.
Send The Report Window

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