How to Analysis Group Product Wise Sales Variation Report in SwilERP Pharmacy

Group Product Wise Sales Analysis Report

How to view Group Product Wise Sales Analysis Report in SwilERP

In the SwilERP software, there is an option to view the Group product-wise sales analysis report in the Analysis section. In this report, users can view the group name, products name and product values.

Start with Login in the SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process:
  1. Go to the Analysis section.
  2. Select the Variation Reports >  Group Product Wise Sales.
Reference Window:
SwilERP Dashboard Window
  1. How to view the report:

  1. Go to the Home section.
  2. Enter the Date Range 'From to To'.
  3. Enter the Variation Rate as per the requirement.
  4. If required, tick the mark in the check boxes of Less Sales Return/Print Nil Quantity Product.
  5. If the user wants to apply a filter in the report, select the Product tab and use all the filters.
  6. Click on the View tab and screen as per below. 
Reference Window:
Report Window
  1. How to view this report in the Chart form:

    1. From the Home section.
    2. Select any data or column to convert into the chart.
    3. Under the Chart tab, there given many chart options. Users can select any of these as per the requirement.
Reference Window:
Chart Tab Window
  1. How to take the Print & Preview:

  1. Go to the Display section.
  2. To take the printout click on the Print and Preview tab.
Reference Window:
Print & Preview Tab Window
  1. How to Export the report into Excel format:

  1. Go to the Display section.
  2. Click on the 'T' point.
  3. Select one of the export formats- Excel/Text /PDF/XML/HTML/RTF/Advanced Options.
Reference Window:
Export Tab Window

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