How to Allow IMS Integration Process in RetailGraph.

How to Allow IMS Integration Process in SwilERP (RetailGraph)

How to Allow IMS Integration Process in SwilERP (RetailGraph)

How to configure IMS Integration

 1. You need to select IMS integration in system default.

Allow IMS Integration

2. After it please exit retail graph and login in again.if you have Store Head rights then IMS integration option automatically shown in Start -> Options -> IMS Integration.

3. If you want to give same right to other role then please select the same from role option and re login again.


4. Need to fill registration option first time from Start -> Option -> IMS Export / Import -> Registration.

You need to create a folder as Export path for IMS Data.

Export path for IMS Data

5. Export data from Start -> Option -> IMS Export / Import -> Export Data.You have both option of text and json.

6. If you want to schedule the same option then you need to create a schedule from Start -> Tools -> Schedule SMS/Email fro the same.You have to select schedule option like daily,weekly and monthly in schedule master.


In case you face any problem please make ticket on or mail us on

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