Convert Packing Slips/Challans into Sale Invoices

How to Convert Packing Slip/Challan in Sale Invoice

Many times goods are packed with help of packing slip or challan and a sales invoice is created later on. In Unisolve challan option is available for both purchases and sales. Let me explain how you can covert a packing slip/challan into sales invoice.

How to make Packing Slip Challan in Unisolve. For this please select Packing Slip/Challan in Sales Menu. Image as per below:   

Packing Slip Challan

After make Sales Challan. Unisolve provides 2 options to convert Sales Challan in Sales Invoice. Both options are explained as per following.

Option 1

In this process, We can convert Packing Slip/Challan in Sales Invoice through ALT+F6 key when making Sales Invoice.

Alt+F6 option:

By pressing Alt+F6 in sales invoice detail, it will show all pending challans for this customer. You can select all products by pressing F5 and particular one product by pressing ENTER key. It is useful when you want to create invoice for particular customer and for particular products.

create invoice

Option 2

Convert Packing Slipà Invoice from Sales Menu: Here you get an option to create all pending challans for selected period and selected customers in single step.

1. First of all click Packing SlipàInvoice option after open a parameter window. Image as per below:

packing to sale

1. Date From: Please select date range from & upto Date which Dates Pending Packing Slip you want to convert in Sales Invoice.

2. A/c Group: In this caption you have to select Customer A/c Group Like: “Sundry Debtors”. When you select this then software shows all Customers of this A/c Group which pending Packing Slip in given Date Range. You can convert all Customers’ pending Packing Slip through this option. You can create group of customers such as 7 days invoice or same day invoice and convert challans to invoice accordingly.

3. Customer: In this caption you have to select Customer Name. When you select any customer name then software shows only this customers’ Pending Packing Slip for conversion in Sales Invoice.
4. Sale Person: In this caption you have to select Sales Person Name. When you select any Sales Person Name then software shows only this Sales Person Customers’ Name to convert Pending Packing Slip for conversion in Sales Invoice of given date range.

 5. Use Slab Discount Defined in Discount Master: When you enable this caption then software auto given Discount % which owner saved as per Discount Master & Software convert all Pending Packing Slip Challan in Sales Invoice with saved Discount% in Master. Here discounts are applied based on total value or company wise value in invoice as defined in Discount Master.

6. Invoice Series Selection: You can select Invoice Series in this caption. You can select Sales series in “Remaining (MRP) Invoice” caption like: Wholesale, Distribution, Third type etc. Rest you can select Remaining (MRP) in all series selection captions. This option is used when you want to bill different tax products in different series. In GST regime, you need not use this option.

7. Starting Invoice No. : In this caption by default shows 0. “0” means software auto takes Next Invoice No. automatically & convert as per Last Invoice No. sequence. If you want to  give some other Sales Invoice which you want to start with, then enter manually First Invoice No. In multi-user environment, you should not use this option as multiple users are doing billing at same time and invoice nos keep on being generated as per last invoice no in system. Leave it 0 unless you know why you want to change it.

8. Date of Invoice: In this caption software shows by default current date, if you want to create sales invoice for all pending packing slips in some other Date then please enter date as per your requirement. Again in GST regime, if you are using separate series for packing slip->invoice, you may select date as you wish, otherwise leave at as is.

9. Convert Packing Slips: In this caption Software provide 3 options “CASH, CREDIT & ALL” option to selection.

a. CASH: If you want to convert only Cash Packing Slip Challan in Sales Invoice then select “CASH” option in this caption.

b. CREDIT: If you want to convert only Credit Packing Slip Challan in Sales Invoice then select “CREDIT” option in this caption.

c. ALL: If you want to convert both CASH & CREDIT Packing slip challan in Sales Invoice then select “ALL” option in this caption.

10. Create Invoice: In this caption Software provide 3 options “As Cash/Credit PS, As Cr. Inv. & Consider Party Cr. Days” option to selection.
a. As Cash/Credit PS: If you wants to convert Pending Packing Slip Challan in Sales Invoice as per “CASH/Credit” which given in Packing Slip then select “As Cash/Credit PS” option in this caption.

b. As cr. Inv.: if you wants to convert Pending Packing Slip Challan in Sales Invoice as Credit Invoice then select “As Cr. Inv.” option in this caption.

c. Consider Party Cr. Days: If you wants to convert Pending Packing Slip Challn in Sales Invoice as per Customers’ Credit Days which given in Master then please select “consider Party Cr. Days” option in this caption.

11. Include Returns: In this caption Software provide 5 options “Pending-ALL, Pending-Above Period, Pending-Today Cr.Note, Only These Challans & Pending All (Inc. Above Period) option to selection.

* Pending-All: If you want to convert all Pending Returns then please select this.

* Pending-Above Period: If you want to convert given Date Range Pending Returns then please select this.

* Pending-Today Cr. Note: If you want to convert only Today Date Pending Credit Notes then please select this.

* Only these Challans: If you want to convert only these returns which adjust in these dates challan which you give in Date Range then please select this.

* Pending All (Inc.Above Period): If you want to select all pending returns then please select this.

8. Net Amount>= In this caption by default shows 0. “0” means software auto convert all Pending Slip Challan in Sales Invoice. If you want to given convert only those Challan which Net Amount greater than your given amount then software convert only these Pending Packing Slip Challans in Sales Invoice.

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Unsiolve software

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