Learn How to create a HSN code and view a list of HSN codes in SwilERP

Create HSN Code and View HSN List

How to Create HSN Code and View HSN List in SwilERP

An HSN "Harmonized System of Nomenclature" code is used for the classification of goods and services under GST. HSN codes for goods at 6 digits are universal common but, there are also 4 or 8 types of HSN codes that are used for goods and services.

The option to generate a new HSN code is given in SwilERP as per convenience of the user and they can also view the HSN list.

These are the steps to create and view the list
  1. From the dashboard in System section:

    1. Go to Master data> Product information> HSN List.
dashboard in System sectionSwilERP Dashboard Window

How to view the HSN list?

  1. In the HSN code list window:
    1. Now, you will see the List of HSN codes.
    2. There you will see the 4, 6, and 8 digit types of HSN codes.
    3. If you want to create a new HSN code then click on the New option.
    4. To edit an already created HSN code click on the Edit and Form View option.
    5. Click on the Print option to print the list.
 HSN listHSN List Window

Create new HSN Code

  1. To create a new HSN Code:
    1. First, you've to add HSN code.
    2. Add a Description and Remarks, if required.
    3. Now, Select a Tax Rate.
    4. Select the Unit as a product in KG, Mtr, Ltr, etc.
    5. If you want to show HSN in an Exempted sale then tick mark on it.
    6. To Sale in Box or Pieces both tick marks on Quantity in Loose.
    7. Click on the Save option.
Create new HSN Code Create New HSN window
  1. To Print and Preview the List:
    1. Go to the View option.
    2. Click on the Print and Preview Option to print your List.
View optionView Window
  1. To Export in Excel Format:
    1. Go to the Options tab.
    2. Then, click on the Export to Excel to convert it into excel format.
Excel FormatOptions Window

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