Create and export the GST TRAN1 (Excel) for RetailGraph

How To Generate and Export (Excel) GST TRAN1 in SwilERP (RetailGraph)

Please Follow the Steps to Generate and Export (Excel) GST TRAN1 in SwilERP (RetailGraph)

To See the Process Through Video Go through the following link:

To generate The TRAN1 in RetailGraph we need to Update the Software to the Latest version First. 

The Second step is to Go to the START Button-> Inventory->Calculate Stock Value. In this we need to select the date in the date range and value by in the option given in the image and click the save button. 

Calculate Stock Value

After This process we need to go in START BUTTON-> GST (BETA)->GenerateTRAN-1 data


In this window we need to select the Entry number and press ok button. A success massage will come that means you can now export that data in excel. 

Now to Export in Tally go to START button ->  GST (BETA)->Export TRAN-1 data(Excel)
Now we need to define the path of the file to save the excel and then the excel will get save in that path. 

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