How to handle Negative Stock Issue in RetailGraph Software

Negative Stock Issue

How to handle Negative Stock Issue in SwilERP (RetailGraph) Software

This Issue generally comes when (i.e You receive product and sell more quantity of that product) in that case your stock goes in negative. To correct your negative stock please follow the process given below.

First to see in which product your stock have gone negative you need to follow the given steps.

Login the SwilERP software go to START- OPTIONS- System Maintenance

In system Maintenance there is a tab (2. Recalculate) click on this option. After this there is a option in that “product Balances” Start the Product balances option.

2 Recalculate

product Balances

Now you have to update the stock. After this process it will show you the list of the products who are in negative.


Now from this process you will get to know the products details who are in negative.

If you want to see the core product detail of Issued and received stock you can go in START - VIEW- PRODUCT QUERY


Here we need to select the product who’s details we want to see. You can also select the product by scanning Barcode and click the view button.


From this process you can see the details of that product by linking to many windows. You can see all the Sale and purchase bills of the product  by clicking Received and issues option.

To set the product as per your physical stock you can add the products or you can subtract the products.

This process will execute through START- INVENTORY- SHORTAGE(for less) / SURPLUS(for adding)

Shortage Process :

In this process you need to select the product for shortage. In the shortage column you need to specify the quantity you want to less and save it.

Shortage Process


In this process you need to select the product for shortage. In the shortage column you need to specify the quantity you want to add and save it.

From this process you can correct your stock and handle the Stock negative issue.

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