How to Implement AWACS-DDP in Unisolve

How to Implement AWACS-DDP in Unisolve

 How to Implement AWACS-DDP in Unisolve

In this article, we explain the integration process of AWACS-DDP with Unisolve software. We can implement both Auto & Manual processes in Unisolve, which helps you to upload the data.

Note: Firstly, install the latest patch of Unisolve to implement AWACS DDP.

Start with login in Unisolve software to initiate the process

Step:1 AWACS Registration Process in Unisolve

  • Go to the Utility Menu> Pharmarack/Awacs Integration> Registration.
  • Reference image:
    Unisolve Dashboard Image
    After that, A new window of Registration will appear in the next slide. Fill in following details to complete the registration process.

    Note: Ensure that you Un-Tick the "Use Pharmarack Integration API (AWACS)" option.
    1. Software auto picks Stockist Name, Station & Reg. No as per Client’s Company Information.
    2. Enter the Stockist Code in the column which AWACS provides.
    3. Valid Till Date & Stockist Password is provided by SWIL Team.
    4. Click on the Auto Start Services option to auto upload the data. (When you choose this option, the data will automatically be uploaded when you login to the software)
    Reference image:
    Registration Window
    1. After that, click on the following options to "Auto Upload Data":
  • Export Stock & Sales Data: If you tick-mark on this option then only stock details will be uploaded.
  • Export Sales Data: If you want to export sales transactions data then tick-mark on this option.
  • Export Pincode Wise Sales Data: If you want to export sales transaction data with pincode then tick mark on this option.
    1. Now, click on the OK Button.
    Reference image:
    Registration Window
    1. "To Run Process Manually" follow below-mentioned steps:
      1. In this case, you don't need to tick mark on auto start services option.
      2. Click on the "Run Process Manually" option.
    Reference image:
    Run Process Manually Window
    1. After that, a new pop-up window will appear for selecting options.
    2. Now, select the given options on right side, which you want to upload in data.
    3. Select the Date Range "From" to "Up to Date" in the columns.
    4. If the user wants to send party wise data, then you have to select three check boxes as follows:
  • Stock & sales data
  • Customer & sales data
  • Pin code wise sales data
    1. This data will be generated & upload only at monthly frequency.
    2. And, click on the OK button.
    Reference image:
    Manual Process Options
    Now, you will revert back to the main registration screen. Press OK to continue. And your registration process is completed.

    Step:2 Connect to Internet

    After the registration process, you have to check internet connectivity in software. For this process follow the below-mentioned steps.
    1. Go to the Administrator Menu> User List Option.
    2. After that, a new window of User List will appear. Select the software user and click on the Modify option.
    Reference image:
    User List Option Window
  • Now, the User Window will appear in the next slide.
  • Tick-Mark on the "Connect to Internet" option.
  • Press the OK button to continue.
  • Reference image:
    User Window
    Note: After connecting to the internet, when the user opens software with the same "User." The software auto-generates the data, make & sends AWACS DDP file as per the selected company in the set Group Frequency option.

    Step:3 Set Group Frequency

    Now, you have to set AWACS DDP Frequency in the Set Group Frequency option, which is available in the system menu.
    1. Go to the System Menu> Set Group Frequency Option.
    2. After that, a new window of Group Frequency will appear.
    3. Click on the Add Option to create a new group frequency.
    Reference image:
    Set Group Frequency Window
  • First, select the Service Name as AWACSDDP.
  • If the user wants to send AWACS DDP files monthly, then select Monthly in the frequency tab.
  • If you want to select another frequency, you can select it from the given options.
  • If the user wants to send only a particular company's data to AWACS, then select only a particular company in the Master Group.
  • Press OK to continue.
  • Reference Image:
    Group Frequency Window
    Now, if the user wants to send all companies' data, follow the steps below.
    1. Click on the Select Group Option, which is shown at the bottom of the right side.
    2. If you want to delete all Data through a single step, select the delete group tab, which shows on the bottom side of this screen.
    3. Click on the Master Group option.
    Reference image:
    Group Frequency Window
    1. After that, a Master Group List will appear. Here users can select the multiple companies which they want to select.
    2. After selecting press OK to continue.
    Reference image:
    Master Group Window
    Set Group Frequency for Party Wise Data

    If the user wants to send party wise details, then you have to select AWACS DDP SALES option in the Set Group Frequency.
    1. Go to the System Menu> Set Group Frequency Option.
    2. Click on the Add option.
    3. Select the Service Name as AWACSDDPSALES.
    4. If the user wants to send AWACS DDP Sales files monthly, then select Monthly in the frequency tab. Daily, weekly, and other options are also available here.
    5. If the user wants to send only a particular company's data to AWACS, then select only a particular company in the Master Group.
    6. Press OK to continue.
    Reference image:
    Note: When you select the party-wise details, only the selected data will be uploaded.
    1. After doing the above-given process if the user required support, then they can generate a new ticket for online support through
    2. You can also send a mail to our support mail id for support.
    Reference image:
    Support Request Window

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