The Awacs Ims Auto Data Generation settings in Unisolve

How to Implement Awacs Ims Auto Data Generation Settings in Unisolve


How to Generate & Send Awacs/IMS Data in Unisolve

In this article we have explained you How to implement to send Data in Auto mode for AWACS/IMS. After do this your Data upload directly on AWACS/IMS web site. For this please follow some steps as per below:

Step 1:

First you can please check Internet Active or De-Activate in User Master. For this please enable “Connect to Internet” in Administrator->User List. When you enabled this after that when you login Software again then software shows Internet: Activate on top side of Software first screen in front of User. Screen as per below:

Connect to Internet

Step 2:

After that you can set Group Frequency in System->Set Group Frequency. If you wants to set Group Frequency for AWACS then please select “AWACSDDP” in Service & if you wants to set Group Frequency for IMS then please select “IMSSALES or IMSSTOCK” in Service. When you enter/select Master Group in this option then software send only particular these Companies data to AWACS/IMS. For Multiple Master Group selection you can press “Select Group” tab in bottom of “Set Group Frequency” window. Same as you can also delete Multiple Master Group through press “Delete Group” tab in bottom of “Set Group Frequency” window. 

You can also select Frequency like: Daily/Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly. If you select “Daily” then system generate your daily data & auto send to AWACS/IMS when you login software first time with Internet Active User, if you select “Monthly” then software auto generate complete Month file next month of 1st Date. So you can select Date Frequency as per your dealing with AWACS/IMS. Screen as per below:

Step 3:

After that you can enter Password for AWACS/IMS Registration. We have explained you How to do both AWACS/IMS Registration in our software as per below: 

For AWACS Registration:

Please fill AWACS Registration details in “AWACS Registration” through Utility->AWACS Export/Import menu. You can enter your AWACS website User name & Password in “Stockist Code & AWACS Password” option. You can also enter valid Till & Stockist Password which will give you your AWACS Representative. After this above settings your data auto uploads on AWACS website directly through “AWACS DDP”. Screen as per below:

If you want to send data again then run “Export Sales and Stock (AWACS DDP)” option again through Utility-> AWACS Export\Import menu. When you open this window then system asked you From Date & UpTo Date, Please enter date accordingly which month’s data want to send you. After that press OK then software generate AWACSDDP files & auto send your Data to AWACS website. Screen as per below:

For IMS Registration:
Please fill IMS Registration details in “IMS Registration” through Utility->IMS Export/Import menu. You can enter IMS API ID, IMS API Password, Stockist Code, Valid Till Date, Stockist Password for (IDEA Patch, Sales & MRP) as per provided by IMS Representative. You can also select Fields as per which you provide your data when software generate IMS File:

For Sales File: (MRP, PTR, PTS, Sale Price)

For Product File: (MRP, PTR & PTS)

For Customer File: (Name, Address, Adress1, Address2 & Phone)

Data Send Type: (Auto either Manual) by default it’s Auto

Press OK, then your Registration process complete, after that this above settings your data auto upload on IMS website directly. Screen as per below:

If you want to send data again then run “Upload IMS Data using API” option again through Utility-> IMS Export\Import menu. When you open this window then system asked you for Month Selection, Please select Month accordingly which month’s data want to send you. After that press OK then software generates IMS files & auto send your Data to IMS website. Screen as per below:

For more details, Please add a ticket at

If you require support, please read: How to get online support (Guide & Video)



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