The settings for implementing the iOrder App in Unisolve/Cross

How to done settings for Implement iOrder App. in Unisolve/Cross


How to done settings for implement iOrder App. in Unisolve/Cross

In this article we have explained you How to implement “SWIL iOrder App.” in Unisolve/Cross. Through iOrder App Wholesaler/Distributors can receive our Sales Orders through Customers & SalesMan. For implement this in Unisolve, please follow some steps as per below:

Video Link:

Step 1: First you can check & enable “Connect to Internet” in User Master through Administrator menu. Screen as per below:

Connect to Internet

Step 2: After that enable (True) “iSales/iPurchase” option through System->System Maintenance->System Parameters->Account Tab (Question No. 6). When you open System Parameters then software required password, Please put “USSC” in password window. Screen as per below: 

System Parameters

Step 3: After that please register yourself (Wholesaler/Distributor) through iOrder Mobile App & generate our Login ID. To generate Login ID & Register our firm, please download “Swil iOrder” App

through Play Store. When search Swil iOrder app (By SWIL) on Play Store then shows “iOrders by SWIL”. Please install this on mobile. After that “iOrders” app. install in your Mobile Phone. Screen as per below:

iOrders by SWIL

Step 4: After that please sign up our self & fill details to create Login ID & Password when run iOrder Mobile App. Please press Sign Up option & enter complete details of our firm. Screen as per below: 

Sign Up option

Name: Please enter your firm name in this caption.

City: Please enter your station in this caption.

Mobile: Please enter your Mobile No. in this caption. (Please fill proper Mobile No. due to your password details received on this mobile no.)

Email: Please enter your Email Id in this caption. (Please fill proper Email Id due to your password details received on this Email Id)

GSTIN: Please enter your GST No. in this caption. (Please ask to our Customer to fill our proper GST No. due to when any Wholesaler uploads our Customer List with customer’s GSTN then Customer (Retailer) auto linked with all Wholesalers to send Order through this mobile app. 

PAN: Please enter PAN No. if GST No. not available of any Retailer.

(All are compulsory fields)

After fill these all above information, you can received your Login ID & Password both on your mail & your Mobile No. as text message. After that you can sign in this app with your Login ID


Note: Please share your Login ID with your Retailers.

You can create & register yourself for generate Login ID & Password through this menu also). Screen as per below:

Login ID and Password


After this you have received a Mail which you received through this portal for your Username & User Password. Screen as per below:

Username and User Password

When you login first time on portal with your User ID & Credentials which you received on your mail, then portal auto asked to change password, now please enter your own password. Screen as per below: 

enter your own password

Step 5: After that you can enter your User ID & Password in iSales Registration window in Unisolve Software. For enter this please select Registration menu through Utility->iSales menu. Following

some options software asked:

User Code: Please enter your User ID which received through portal

Password: Please enter you User Password.

Auto Start Net Services: Please enabled this, due to this Software works on auto mode of iSales.

Upload iStock Sales: Please enabled this also to upload your stock in auto mode. 

Run for Principal: Please select Principal Name in this column. This window is shows when you using Principal option. 

****Set the Time in Min (0 to Stop Services) ****

Product Upload: When you specify time in this caption then software auto update your Products UPC through portal as per given time. By default software allow to enter above 4 hours time in this. So please enter 240 minutes in this caption. 

Stock Uploads: When you specify time in this caption then software auto upload your Stock on portal as per given time. By default enter 15 minutes in this caption. 

Order Downloads: When you specify time in this caption then software auto Download your Orders through portal as per given time. By default enter 15 minutes in this caption. 

Invoices Uploads: When you specify time in this caption then software auto upload your Sales Invoices on portal as per given time. By default enter 15 minutes in this caption. 

Purchase CSV Download: When you specify time in this caption then software auto Download your Purchase Invoices through portal as per given time. By default enter 15 minutes in this caption. 

Upload Price List: When you specify time in this caption then software auto upload your Products Price on portal as per given time. By default enter 15 minutes in this caption. 

Upload Scheme Details: When you specify time in this caption then software auto upload your Products Scheme on portal as per given time. By default software allow to enter above 4 hours time in

this. So please enter 240 minutes in this caption.

Customer Mapping: When you specify time in this caption then software auto mapped your Customers through portal as per given time. By default enter 15 minutes in this caption. 

Upload Sales Man List: When you specify time in this caption then software auto upload your Sales Man data on portal as per given time. By default enter 15 minutes in this caption. 

Upload Customer Outstanding Details: When you specify time in this caption then software auto upload your Customer Outstanding details on portal as per given time. By default enter 15 minutes in

this caption. 

Upload Customer List: When you specify time in this caption then software auto upload your Customer List on portal as per given time. By default enter 15 minutes in this caption. Screen as per below:

Upload Customer List

Step 6: After saved your login details & time details in Registration menu, after that now run some following options manually first time. This is one time process, after that software auto upload

Product, Stock, Price, Scheme, Customer etc. as per give time which you entered in Registration details. Screen as per below:


  1. Upload Product Master: When you run this option then your all Products upload on portal. This is one time process after that software auto upload your Product Master as per given time which you fill in Registration window, if you creates new or modified any Product in Master.

  1. Upload Customer List: When you run this option then your all Customers upload on portal. This is one time process after that software auto upload your Customer Master as per given time which you fill in Registration window, if you creates new or modified any Customer in Master. (Customer Address, Phone No., Mobile No., D.L. No. must, in case any not available in data, then Customer Master not uploaded of that customers) 

  1. Upload Scheme List: When you run this option then your all Products Scheme upload on portal. This is one time process after that software auto upload your Scheme Master as per given time which you fill in Registration window, if you creates new or modified any Scheme in Master.

  1. Upload Stock List (One Time): When you run this option then your all Products Stock upload on portal. This is one time process after that software auto upload your Stock Master as per given time which you fill in Registration window, if you update Stock in your Data.

  1. Upload SalesMan List: When you run this option then your all Sales Man upload on portal. This is one time process after that software auto upload your Sales Man Master as per given time which you fill in Registration window, if you creates new or modified any Sales Person in Master.

  1. Upload Customer Outstanding List: When you run this option then your all Customers Outstanding upload on portal. This is one time process after that software auto upload your Customer Outstanding as per given time which you fill in Registration window, if you update Customer Outstanding in your Data.

Note: When you upload all these files on portal & if software facing any issue to upload all these files then software auto creates error files in US folder. You can check this error text file & solved your issues as per.

You can also check your uploaded data on portal also. ( You can check your data under iSalesman tab. When you click on Products then portal shows you’re all Products Data &

when you click on Stock/Scheme/Prices then portal shows your all Stock, Price & Scheme which you uploaded through Unisolve Software. Screen as per below:

uploaded through Unisolve Software

Now you’re all data uploaded on portal.

Step 7: After this now you can asked your customer to download “Swil iOrder” App through Android Play Store. When any people search Swil iOrder app on Play store then shows “iOrders by

SWIL”. Please install this on phone. After that “iOrders” app. install in your Android Phone. Screen as per below:

iOrders by SWIL

Step 8: After that Customer can sign up our self & fill details to create Login ID & Password when run iOrder Mobile App. Please ask to customer to press Sign Up option & enter complete details of our

firm. Screen as per below: 

Sign Up option

Name: Please enter your firm name in this caption.

City: Please enter your station in this caption.

Mobile: Please enter your Mobile No. in this caption. (Please fill proper Mobile No. due to your password details received on this mobile no.)

Email: Please enter your Email Id in this caption. (Please fill proper Email Id due to your password details received on this Email Id)

GSTIN: Please enter your GST No. in this caption. (Please ask to our Customer to fill our proper GST No. due to when any Wholesaler uploads our Customer List with customer’s GSTN then Customer

(Retailer) which sign up with proper GST NO. they auto linked with all Wholesalers to send Order through this mobile app. 

PAN: Please enter PAN No. if GST No. not available of any Retailer.

(All are compulsory fields)

After fill these all above information, you can received your Login ID & Password both on your mail & your Mobile No. as text message. After that you can sing in this app with your Login ID & Password. 

Note: Please share your Login ID with your Wholesalers.

Step 9: After that please enter Customer Login ID in your Customer Master in Unisolve. You can enter your Customers Login ID in iSales ID caption in Customer Master which exists in System->Master
Data->Customer Information->Customer menu. This option works to link Unisolve Software with your iOrder Customers. Screen as per below:

iOrder Customers

Step 10: After this your Customer Login ID link with your Login ID. To do this please open portal. Please select My Customers through iOrders tab. When you click on My Customers

then portal shows your already linked customers, If you wants to link with new customer Login ID, then please enter on Create & enter your new Customer Name in Buyer window & select particular customer & enter on save button. After this process you Customer link with you & Customer ready to give Sales Order to you. (This is auto linked when your Customer fill proper GST No. when sign up the app. & you also fill your Customer’s GST No. properly in your Customer Data.) Screen as per below: 

Customer Data

Step 11: After that you should asked to your Customer to login iOrder App through this Login ID & Password. When Customer opens this app then first select Retailer then enter Login ID & Password.

After enter Login ID & Password, iOrder app shows some following options. Screen as per below:


select Retailer

Order: When your Customer select this Order then first select Supplier Name which you wants to send you’re Orders. After that select Product Name to select this you can send your Orders to Supplier. Screen as per below.

Fresh order

Orders: When your Customer selects this “Orders” option then your customer see our all Orders which they send to our Supplier. Screen as per below:


Invoices: When your Customer selects this “Invoices” option then your customer see our all Invoices which Suppliers make against Orders. Screen as per below:


Payments: When Retailer press this “Payments” option then Retailer can configure our Bank Account with this Mobile App. & done Payments & Receipts transactions through this app. If Retailer wants to configure this then please click on “Configure My Payment Account” option then software open UPI settings. In UPI Account Setup, please enter your Bank Name, IFSC Code, A/c No., UPI Id & Password after that press on Update Bank Account Tab. Screen as per below:

UPI Account setup

RxInfo: “RxInfo” through this option your Retailer can check any Product’s Information (Like: Company Detail. Salt/Generic Name, Stockist Name etc.) This is very useful to check any other Similar Product of same salt. Screen as per below.


Step 12: When Retailer send Order through Mobile App. either through Cross Software. After that in this next step we have explained you any Wholesaler/Distributor how to Import this Order & Convert the same in Invoice & Export also this Invoice to our Retailer through Unisolve Software. To do these please follow following some steps. 

Step A: When any Wholesaler/Distributor received Order through Retailer, then software auto open a popup window & download your all orders. (If Auto Downloading True in iSales Registration). Screen as per below: 

Auto Downloading Order:

Auto Downloading Order

Step B: After that you can convert your Orders in Invoice. For this Please select “Import Order (iSales)” option through Sales->Invoice Export/Import menu. Screen as per below:

Sales->Invoice Export/Import->Import Order (iSales)

Import Order

When you enter on this, then software opens a new window to convert your all Pending Orders in Sales Invoice. Through this option, you can convert Pending Orders Customer wise. In this window you

can also check Product’s Order Qty., Current Qty. with Customer & Product Name. After selection, please select “Create Sales Inv.” Tab which exist in bottom side, then software convert these orders in Sales Invoice. 

Order shows (Sales Person & Order Wise): In this caption as per your required Order Index, you can select “Sales Person wise either Order Wise”

Entry Date: By Default Entry Date shows as Current Date.

Import in (Wholesale/Distribution/Packing Slip Challan/Sales Order): In this caption as per your requirement you can select Invoice Series which you want to convert Sales Order in your selected Series.

Like: Wholesale Invoice, Distribution Invoice, Third Type Invoice, Packing Slip Challan & Sales Order)

Tax Type: By default it’s blank, due to Tax type auto pick as per Product Master.

Select Max. Qty. Batch: In this caption when you enabled this then Maximum Qty. Batch auto select when you convert order in Invoice.

Same Orders (F5): If you want to select same order through single key then press F5, then software auto select same no. orders. Screen as per below:

single key then press F5

Step C: When you complete this process to create sales invoice then software auto asked to upload the same all invoices on portal. When you press “Yes” then all your Invoices uploaded on portal else

press “No” if you don’t want to upload right now. Screen as per below: 

For Export Sales Invoice with Manual Process: Sales->Invoice Export/Import->Export Sales (iSales) 

Export Sales

Step D: If you want to cancel any either all orders then please used Cancel Order (iSales) option. Screen as per below: 

Cancel Order: Sales->Invoice Export/Import->Cancel Order (iSales)

Cancel Order

Step E: After complete this process, if you want to check your converted Sales Invoice, and then please check it’s through Wholesale Invoice option through Sales Menu. If any order converts through iOrder then iSales Order No. auto save in Remarks option. Screen as per below:

Sales Invoice: Sales->Wholesale Invoice 

Wholesale Invoice

Step F: After check you’re Sales Invoices, if you want to upload your Invoices now then please select “Reload Selected Sales Invoice” option which exist in Utility->iSales menu. When you select this then system asked to enter Date range From & UpTo Date. After that software shows all invoices, then please select & press OK then your selected Invoice uploaded on iSales portal for Retailer. Screen as per below:

Re-Load Selected Invoice: Utility->iSales->Reload Selected Sales Invoice

Reload Selected Sales Invoice


Retailer can also send Order through Cross Software

If any Retailer has Cross Package then they send Order through Cross Software also. In next step, we have explained you this also.

Any Retailer who used our Cross package, they also send Orders to our Supplier through Cross Software also. To do this, please do some following steps:  

Step A: First you can check & enable “Connect to Internet” in User Master through Administrator menu. Screen as per below: 

Connect to Internet

Step B: After that enable(True) “iSales/iPurchase” option through System->System Maintenance->System Parameters->Account Tab (Question No. 6). When you open System Parameters then software required password, Please put “CSSC” in password window. Screen as per below:


Step C: After that please enter your Login ID & Password detail in Utility->iSales->Registration menu. If Retailers Login ID & Password not available & they want to create new one then please follow

Step 3 process for login creation which we have explained earlier in Step 3. Screen as per below:

Registration menu

Step D: After save this, please enter Supplier Login ID in your Supplier Master in Cross. You can enter your Supplier Login ID in iPurchase ID caption in Supplier Master which exists in System->Master

Data->Supplier menu. This option works to link Cross Software with your Supplier. Screen as per below:

Supplier Master

Step E: After this your make order in “Purchase Order Book” which exist in Purchase->Purchase Order menu. You can enter your Products which you want to purchase with supplier. Please enter

Supplier Name also which having iPurchase ID & you already mentioned this in Supplier Master. Screen as per below:

Purchase Order Book

Step F: After complete your order, please press Shift+F7 key for Export Order to our Supplier. After press Shift+F7 key, a new window open on Purchase Order Form. In this window you have to check

your Supplier Id in Supplier column. After that press confirm order tab which exist in bottom side of screen. After press you’re all products order export to your Supplier’s ID. Screen as per below:

all products order export

Upload Order to Distributor: In this option you can also send your order to our Distributor. “Upload Order to Distributor” option is available in Purchase->iPurchase menu. After make your all orders in Order Book, you can send your Orders through this also. Screen as per below:

Upload Order to Distributor

Step G: When you’re Supplier Import your Orders in our Software & make all Invoices & Export the all Invoices also, then you can able to download your all Purchase Invoices through portal. For this we have provide a new option “Download Purchase from Distributors” in Purchase->iPurchase menu in Cross Software. When you import this Purchase Invoice then first time when you received Purchase Invoice through Supplier then software asked first Product Mapping. Please mapped Supplier Products with our Product List, This is one time process after that when same product received with same supplier that time not required to mapping again.. For using this option Retailer Import our all Purchase through this option & not required to enter purchase invoice manually. Screen as per below: 

Download Purchase from Distributors

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