How To Import Master Excel file in RetailGraph Software?

Import Master Excel file in SwilERP (Retailgraph)

How To Import Master Excel file in SwilERP (RetailGraph)

In RetailGraph, we can import products through an excel. In this article, we will see the steps which need to be taken to import product master. In the below image, an excel sheet containing product details can be seen.

 import products through an excel

We need to a  create Demo Data In Retail Graph. And after creating it,we need to create a  Demo Product In Product Master Like in following image. 

Demo Product In Product Master

After that, we need to go to Start-->Option-> Export import Data -> Inventory , to export product master in excel.

Export import Data

When we export the above details in excel, then a standard format comes up with details as can be seen the below image.                  

details in excel

In the exported excel file, we need to put all the details in respective columns to import it into RetailGraph again.

 Before that, we need to Export HSN Master from ReatilGraph and to do the same, we need to go to

Start-->Option-> Export import Data -> Inventory -> HSN


After putting details in the HSN master, we need to import it in RetailGraph.

HSN maste

After importing HSN Master, we will import the product master file by going Start-->Option-> Export-import Data -> Inventory. We need to click on import and select the file from the path as shown the below image.

After importing HSN Master

After importing it, we can see the products which have been imported in Masters>Inventory>Product.

imported in Masters

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