How to make Payment for Software Services - SWIL
You can purchase software license/AMC from authorized channel partner or directly purchase from company by depositing cheque/RTGS/NETBANKING into following account and send confirmation to
| Company Name
| Prov.Reg.No.(GST)
| 08AACCS5734J1Z4
| AACCS5734J
| |
| Bank Name
| Axis Bank Ltd.
| Branch Address
| Ashok Marg, C-Scheme,
| Jaipur ( Raj)302001
| IFSC Code
| UTIB0000010
| Account No.
| 913030007273289
| Account Name
| SoftWorld (India) Pvt Ltd
| | | |
Please inform following with your payment details:
Contact Person:
Product Reg No.: (If already registerd else product name)
Firm Name:
Mobile No.
Email Id:
Payment Amount:
Payment done for:
Please allow three working days after payment is credited to our account, to process your payment and deliver the passwords to you. You can download trial version from and run for some time. For AMC payment, you will have to wait for password to update the same in Registration info on Backup Window in your software. Please inform at after making your payment along with your bank deposit receipt or transfer advice. For any issues in software services, please submit ticket at or email to
HSN (SAC) Code for Software License and AMC is 9973.
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