Re-editing the Saved Bill of Sale and Purchase in RetailGraph Software

Re-edit the Saved Bill of Sales and Purchase

How to Re-edit the Saved Bill of Sales and Purchase in SwilERP (RetailGraph)

This is a very basic question which customer demand in the software.

Through this option you can easily modify the old bills or access their information.

Remember this process is same in Sales and purchase invoice.

To execute this, you need to open sales invoice. Once you open it, You need to go to the 2nd Tab  VIEW  followed by the image given below.


Once you will click on the View Tab, You will find some options on your right hand side followed by the image.

Now with the help of these buttons you can decide on which bases you want to see or modify your bills.

You will find 6 options here,  Month wise/ Date wise/ Current year/ Entry Wise/ Party wise/ last 7 days.

Click on any one tab you you will see details of that followed by the image given below.

Month wise

As shown in the image above you can have a overview of the bills on the screen, Now if you want to see core detail or modify anything in the bill just double click the bill and it will open followed by the image given below.

bills on the screen

Now you can make all the changes you want and after you finish go to home tab and save the bill again than it will update.

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