SwilERP Sales Daily Reports - Check Your Pharmacy Store Performance

Sales Daily Reports

How to View Sales Daily Reports in SwilERP

Sales daily reports provide day-by-day transaction details to users. In SwilERP, users can view their daily sales reports through the Daily Reports form, including sales billing, product stock, transactions, and cancelled bills. The form offers multiple report options, such as Check List, Check List (Bill/Products), Check List (Cancelled Bills), Daily Sales Reports, and Product-wise Sales. This helps users stay informed and organized, enabling efficient sales processes.

Start with login in SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process

  1. Go to Sales> Daily Reports.
  2. Select that report whose Daily Report you want to see.
Reference image:
Daily ReportsSwilERP Dashboard Window

How to view details in Check List

  1. Click on the Check List:
    1. Select the Date from which you want to view sales.
    2. Set Time Range if you want to view sales in a time range.
    3. Select Invoice number and Payment mode.
    4. From the given option Series wise / day wise / Receipt wise / Account wise select according to which details you want to view in the report.
    5. If Required then choose Series and User.
Date from Product Details Window
  1. Click on the View Tab:
    1. If users want to see invoice details then click on the Invoice Details.
    2. Similarly, if you want to view product sales in multiple formats then click on the Return detail/ Cancel bill detail/ Receipt detail/ Series wise total.
Invoice Details Sales Format Window
  1. From the option of Display :
    1. Users can Preview and Print their sales reports.
Display Display Option Window

How to view details in Check List (Bill/Product)

  1. Click on the Check List (Bill/Product) :
    1. Select the Date from which you want to view sales.
    2. Tick mark on the Include Branch Transfer in sales report.   
    3. You can also select Series /Product/Sales Person to view the report. 
    4. Customer and Invoice Attribute option is also available for applying filters.

    5. Click on the View tab.
  1. If users want to view their reports in Chart Format:
    1. Click on the chart option.

  1. To Preview and Print your sales report:
    1. Go to Display then select the option of Preview or Print to print your reports.
Note: Kindly refer above-given Check List report to know how to print and preview the reports.

How to view details in Check List (Canceled bills)

    1. Click on the Check List (Canceled bills) :
      1. Set Time Range  if you want to view sales in a time range.
      2. Select  Invoice number and Payment mode.
      3. From the given option Series wiseday wise/ Receipt wiseAccount wise select according to which details you want to view in the report.  
      4. If Required then choose Series and User.  
      5. Click on the View option.
    view details in Check List Product Details Window
    1. To  Preview and Print your sales report:
      1. Go to Display then select the option of Preview or Print to print your reports.
    Note: Kindly refer above-given Check List report to know how to print and preview the reports.

    How to view Daily Sales Reports

    1. Click on the Daily Sales Reports :
      1. Select the Date from which you want to view sales.
      2. Select Invoice From to To.
      3. Enable the option if you want Series wise total.
      4. If Required then choose Series and User.
      5. Click on View .
    Daily Sales Reports Products Details Window.
    1. If users want to view their reports in Chart Format:
      1. Click on the chart option that is given on top of the left side.
    Note: Kindly refer above-given Check List (Bill/ Product) report to know how to view reports in Chart format.

    1. To  Preview and Print  your sales report:
      1. Go to Display then select the option of Preview or Print to print your reports.
    Note: Kindly refer above-given Check List report to know how to print and preview the reports.

    How to view Product Wise Sales

    1. Click on the Product Wise Sales:
      1. Select the Date Range.
      2. Select Report Type to view sales reports in Summary/Detail/Month wise/Day wise/Quarterly/Cumulative.
      3. Tick mark on the Include Branch Transfer in sales report.   
      4. You can also select Series /Product/Sales Person to view the report. 
      5. Customer and Invoice Attribute option is also available for applying filters.

      6. Click on View option.

    1. To view reports in the chart:
      1. Click on the chart option that is given on top of the left side.
    Note: Kindly refer above-given Check List (Bill/ Product) report to know how to view reports in Chart format.
    1. To Print and Preview sales report:
      1. Go to Display then select the option of Preview or Print to print your reports.
    Note: Kindly refer above-given Check List report to know how to print and preview the reports.

    Convert Reports into Excel Format

    1. To convert your reports into excel format:
      1. Go to the Display tab.
      2. Click on the 'T' then select the option in which you want to view your reports.
    Covert Reports into Excel FormatExcel Format Window

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