Please Follow the steps given below:
Create Salary Head with details
(Start ->Payroll ->Salary Head)
Create new Salary Head with With Details as Formula Wise.
Create Salary Head with details
Salary Structure
Step1. Select Employ Name in Salary Head Name.
Step3. How Much Basis Salary Pay Salary With CTC.
Step4. Select All Salary Head in Salary Head Details.
Monthly Salary
Step2. pay Of Salary Date:
Step3. pay Of Year:
Step4. Pay Of Month:
Step5. Leave Taken Option :
Step6 .Deduct Advance:
Advance Entry
Create Advance Entry
(Start ->Payroll ->Advance Entry)
Step1. Select Employee Name :
Step2. Select Advance Date:
Step3. Select Advance Amount
Step4. Select Remarks Details.
Step5. Save It.
Step 6. Go To Monthly.
Salary :
Step 7. Go To Deduct Advance
Step8: Select Advance Amount Details.
Step9. Show Deduct Advance Amount Show Image.
Create pay Slip
(Start ->Payroll ->Pay Slip)
Pay Slip Wok As a Reports such As Define Image