How to Fix Closing Issues with Retailgraph

I tried closing in SwilERP (RetailGraph). Some problems ?

Financial Year Closing Process In SwilERP (RetailGraph)

Click Start Button- Options - Close Financial Year.
  1. RetailGraph (How to Close Financial Year) 
  2. RetailGraph (How to Close Financial Year Video)
1) After Closing my financial year New Sales Invoice Number is not starting from "1" :

If you face this kind of issue in your Sales Invoice or any other Transaction then you need to follow the given process.

Login in the software, Go to Start Button - Masters- Others - Transaction Series. 

Now you need to Select your Sales Invoice Series (i.e- Sales Invoice A) and click the Edit Button at the Top. Now A window will open of your Transaction Series, where you will find an option of Starting Number- Type 1 here and click the SAVE button at the top. Logout from the Software and Login again this will solve your issue. 

Retailgraph software transaction series.

If you still have any problem, please submit a ticket on

2) After Closing my financial year, My New Sales Invoice Number Should Start from the next number from the previous year's last bill number? :

If you face this kind of issue in your sales Invoice then you need to follow the given process.

Login in the software, Go to Start Button - Masters- Others - Transaction Series. 

Now you need to Select your Sales Invoice Series (i.e- Sales Invoice A) and click the Edit Button at the Top. Now A window will open of your Transaction Series, where you will find an option of Starting Number- Type the number from which you want to start the Invoice (i.e your last year sales invoice will be 100 & now in new financial year you want to start it from 101) they type 101 in Starting number, SAVE button at the top. Logout from the Software and Login again this will solve your issue. 

Retailgraph software transaction series.

If you still have any problem, please submit a ticket on

3) After Closing my financial year, Still why my last year data is coming in the software?

If you face this kind of issue in software then you need to follow the given process.

Login in the software. Click START Button- Options- Change Financial year. A window Will open there you need to double click the current financial year (i.e 19-20) a message of success will come to click OK to the message, 

Retailgraph change financial year.

If you still have any problem, please submit a ticket on

4) I want to open my last year bills in the software, How can I open them? 

If you want to open your last financial year bill in the software please follow the Steps. 

Open your sales invoice. At the top right mention the date (Entry Date) of last financial year, and type the invoice number you want to open. As soon as you type the invoice number and click enter the bill will open. 

Retailgraph sales invoice window.

If you still have any problem, please submit a ticket on

5) How to Open Or Close Financial Year Series Lock:

After closing the financial year if you want to edit in the previous year's transaction then you have to follow the steps given below. 

For this process you need to login to RetailGraph software, Click on the top right bottom button of "i" notification. 

A window will open, That will have a " Check your updates" option, We need to click that option. After clicking that again a window will open that will have an option to download  "Download Dynamic form- Financial year Lock (update)" we need to tic the option and press the OK button followed by the image. 

Retailgraph window.

Now click the START button and go to Masters- Resources-Role. Now you need to Edit the like Store head (Administrator) option. 

Now click the tools option at the right side in the description option you will see the form name at the bottom. Tick mark all the options in that form. Now Press SAVE button and logout the software and again login.

Now go To START-Tools-Financial year Lock (update)" after this a form will open as shown in the image. 

Retailgraph financial year lock window.

Here you have an option in this form to select and deselect transaction series you want to change and the series you don't want to make changes. We need to tic and untick this option. After ticking all the options click the SAVE button. Now you need to log off the software and again login. Now you can work on your last year's data.

If you still have any problem, please submit a ticket on

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