To generate the GST reports in RetailGraph you need to remember some important points. You need to fill the following details correct in the software to generate your GST reports, Reports may get error in case your details are not correct or blank.
v Branch Master : To open the Branch Master follow the steps.
Click START button- Masters- others- Branch
As shown in the Image all the fields in branch like GST no. Station, District, State and State code must be correct.
v Stock Location : To open the Stock Location Master follow the steps.
Click START button- Masters- Inventory- Stock location.
In stock location it should be already mentioned the name of Stock location.
There must be mentioned Station with correct state.
v User Master : To open User Mater follow the steps :
Click START button- Masters- Inventory- Resources- User
In this master your Branch and product Location Must be mentioned.
v Customer/ Vendor Maters : To open Customer/Vendor Mater follow the steps :
Click START button- Masters- Customer/ Vendor.
Customer Master : In customer master you need to mention the GST Number with Station- State having proper state code
Vendor Master : In vendor master you need to mention the GST Number with Station- State having proper state code
v Billing Head : To open the Billing Head Master follow the steps.
Click START button- Masters- others- Billing Head.
In this option you need to mention the HSN Code, Type and Tax Code.
v HSN Master : To open the HSN Master follow the steps.
Click START button- Masters- Inventory- HSN
You need to mention the Unit, Description, TAX(GST Code)