Merging masters involves combining two masters of data into one master. To combine or join masters together, or to cause things to do this, is meant by merging masters. For your understanding, here is the example: You have a customer with two different entries, and now you want to merge these entries into one entry. Then, you can use this option to merge the masters.
After merging two masters into one, their posting accounts will be the same as one posting account for both. It will reflect in accounts and ledgers also. In RetailGraph, you can now easily merge masters at your convenience. This option is available in the facilities section in the form of system maintenance.
Take a backup before applying this procedure.
You can not revert back the values in the reverse process.
If you want to Delete Master Records, then tick-mark on the given option.
Select the Current Value for which you want to change the master from the drop-down list.
Select the New Value you want to merge with the Current Value.
Click on the Merge button to save the process.
After that, a notification of Master Merged Successfully will appear.