How to do Opening Stock Entry in Retailgraph Software

Opening Stock Entry & Stock Reconciliation Process

How to do Opening Stock Entry in SwilERP (RetailGraph) Software

In RetailGraph, there are following multiple ways to enter opening stock of the products, But we recommend the first option (Opening Stock Entry)

  1. Opening Stock Entry (Inventory Module) -First, we will see how to enter opening stock through the Opening Stock Entry option, and for the same, we have to go to Start>Inventory>Opening Stock Entry.

Over here, one needs to select the required product and do double click on a new row. All the details of the product which are put in its master will automatically appear here like MRP, Sale Rate, Purchase Rate, and Manufacturer, and additional details like Batch, Expiry Date need to put accordingly. Now opening stock needs to put in the required location as per shown in the following image:

Opening Stock Entry

After putting the above details one can save it and a new lot no. will be assigned to the given details and stock will be added to the Head Office location.

  1. Through Lot Details (Product Master )- One can put in the opening stock through lot details and to do the same, one has to go to Start>Maters>Inventory>Product and select the required product and go to lot details. It’s quite similar to opening the stock entry option as explained above.
Product Master

  1. Reconcile Current Stock (Inventory Module )- Opening Stock can be added through Reconcile Current option. One has to go to Start>Inventory>Reconcile Current Stock. One has to select the required product and lot in which stock needs to be added as shown in the below image.
Reconcile Current Stock

And required stock needs to be entered in the Actual Stock column as can be seen in the above image and after saving the transaction stock will be added to its location. And if one wants to add a new lot then one needs to select the lot no. -1 from the drop-down list of Lot No column and put the details as shown in the below image:

Product List

  1. Reconcile Opening Stock (Inventory Module) - this option is similar to the Reconcile Current Stock option for feeding Opening Stock and only the difference is, the stock which will be added through this, will always show as opening stock deducting the current stock. To use this option, one has to go to start >Inventory>Reconcile Opening Stock.
  1. Purchase Challan (Purchase Module )- Opening stock can be added using the Purchase Challan option. One needs to go to Start> Purchase>Purchase Challan. Opening Stock can be added by selecting UNIDENTIFY VENDOR and the products as shown in the below image:
Purchase Challan

And one can covert the Purchase Challan of Unidentify Vendor into the Opening Stock by using the  Update Op Stock From Unidentify Challan option from Facilities in System Maintenance in Options Module as shown in the below image.

Clear Purchase Challan

One has to select the Challans which will be converted into Opening Stock and needs to click on the OK tab.make sure you have defined unidentify vendor in system defaults.

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