How to view Price List: Master Group, Group, Name, Code, Generic Wise in SwilERP

Price List: Master Group, Group, Name, Code, Generic Wise

How to view Price List: Master Group, Group, Name, Code, Generic Wise in SwilERP

What is Price List?

A price list is a list of prices defined for a set of items. A pricing organization can define different price lists for customers based on various criteria. Each price list applies to a particular product for a specific Lot number. Price List allows users to view their product's price. There is an option to see categories reports according to the user's requirements, i.e. Master Group, Group, Product Name, Product Code, and Generic wise information. Users can easily view reports of every product in the reports section with a price list form. Users can easily view reports of every product in the reports section with a price list form.

This article will discuss how to view price lists by selecting various options. The steps you will see in the below-given process, same steps are used for viewing product name, code, and generic wise reports.

Start with login in SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process

  1. Go to the Reports> Price List> Master Group Wise
Reference image:

Master Group WiseSwilERP Dashboard Window

How to view the Price List Report

  1. A new Master Group Wise window will appear in the next slide.
  2. First, select the variable options in which you want to view the report:
    1. All
    2. Current
    3. Different
  1. Tick-Mark on the Show Nil Stock option to view the nil stock in the report.
  2. If you want to apply filter on product then click on the Product option.
  3. Click on the View option.
  4. After that, you will see the Price List as shown in the following reference image according to the selected parameters.
Reference image:

Price List ReportMaster Group Wise

Here are the details you can view in the report
  1. Name of Display in which you see products master group and group name.
  2. Sales Tax Type, Purchase Tax Type these details are available in this report.
  3. MRP, Batch and Color you can also view these details in the window.
  4. Sale Rate, Distribution Rate, Purchase Rate, Trade Rate, Cost Rate, and Suggested Rate are available in the report.
  5. And, Lot number of a particular group is shown in the next column of the respective group.
Reference image:

view in the reportmaster Group Wise

To view the Reports in Chart Format

  1. Select Any Column from the shown details in the window.
  2. Click on the Chart option to view the report in chart format.
  3. Here you will see multiple options for chart format.
Reference image:

Chart FormatChart Window

To Take Print or Preview and Convert into Excel format

  1. Go to the Display section.
  2. Click on the Print or Preview option to take a printout of the report.
  3. Go to the "T" button and click on the excel option to convert the report.

Reference image:

Convert into Excel formatDisplay Window

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