How to view Product Wise Sales Report in SwilERP | Item-wise Sales Reports

Product wise Sales Report

How to view Product Wise Sales Report in SwilERP (RetailGraph)

In SwilERP software, the Reports section offers access to Product-wise Sales reports, providing essential insights into sales activities. These reports encompass vital information such as product name, entry number, date, quantity, and amount, aiding businesses in comprehensive sales analysis. Follow the outlined steps to view the Product Sales report.
Start with Login in the SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process
  1. Go to the Reports menu.
  2. Select Sales Report > Product Wise Sales.
Reference Window:
SwilERP Dashboard Window

How to view the Product wise report:

  1. Select the Product-Area:-

  1. Select the  Date Range  'From to To.'
  2. Select the report Type  in which you want to view the data.
  3. Select the  Transaction of sales from the drop-down list.
  4. Select the  Series of Transaction.
  5. You can apply a filter in the Product/Sales Person and  Customer tab.
  6. If required, select  Invoice Attribute.
  7. Users can view this report  Group-wise . To view the Report,   Groups name as per below:-
  1. Category
  2. Marketing comapny
  3. Brand
  4. Product
  5. Strength
  1. If users want to view the Report  Area-wise,  then they can select any option in the below-given option:-
  1. Region 
  2. Area
  3. Locality
  4. Customer
  5. Product
  6. Sales Person
  1. Click on the View.
Reference Window:

  1. How to view the report in Chart form:

            If the user wants to view the report in chart format, they can follow the below given easy steps:-
  1. Select the Product-Area section.
  2. Click on the Chart tab.
  3. Inside the chart tab, many chart options are given; select which you want to view the report.
Reference Image:

  1. Select the Product Station:

    1.  If the user wants to view this Report as  Station wise , they can select any option in the below-given option:
      1. Country 
      2. State
      3. District
      4. Sales Person, etc.
    2. Click on the View.
Reference Window:

  1. Select the Analysis section:-

  1. Click on the  View  tab.
  2. You can  choose fields to add to the report  according to the requirements.
  3. Enter the name from which you want to save the report and click on the  Save  option.
  4. Select the name from the drop-down list to open the previous report and click on the ' Open'  tab.
  5. If you want to remove the previous report,  select that name  from the drop-down list, then  Open  the Report and click on the  Remove  tab.
  6. You can  Export/Import  the Report.
  7. If required, you can set the  Grid  from the given option.
Reference Window:

  1. How to Print and export the report into Excel format:-

  1. Go to the  Display  section.
  2. To take the printout, click on the  Print  and  Preview  tab.
  3. To export the report, click on the ' T ' point.
  4. Inside the ' T ' point, many export format options exist and choose as per the requirement.
Reference Window:

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