Learn how to Replace Lot in Issued Transaction in SwilERP Software

Replace Lot in Issued Transaction

How to Replace Lot in Issued Transaction in SwilERP (RetailGraph)


In the facilities section, there is an option to replace the lot number in issued transactions. In case you issued the transaction with the wrong lot number, then you can update the correct lot number through this option. While doing this, users have to select the Product name, Stock location, Old lot number which they want to replace, and New lot number in which they want to replace it. Make sure that your lot has stock in which you want to replace it.

Start with Login in SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process

  1. Go to Menu> Options Section> System Maintenance.
Reference image:
SwilERP Dashboard Window

How to Replace Lot in Issued Transaction

  1. Go to the Facilities tab and select Replace Lot in Issued Transaction.
  2. First, select the Product name whose lot number you want to change.
  3. Select Stock Location from the drop-down list.
  4. Select Old Lot Number in the column.
  5. Now, select New Lot Number from the list.
  6. Click on the Update button.
  7. And after that, Done Successfully; this message will appear with a pop-up window.
Reference image:

Note: After updating the lot number, this new lot is applied to every product in the old transaction.

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