How to Set Series Wise Bill Format in SwilERP Software

Set Series Wise Bill Format

How to Set Series Wise Bill Format in SwilERP Software

SwilERP Software empowers users to configure transaction series-specific bill formats. This feature grants control over printing formats for select invoices. While establishing transaction series, customize the invoice format or make post-series adjustments. Learn the process through the outlined steps below.

Start with login in SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process

  1. Go to the Masters> Others> Transaction Series option.
  2. A new window of Transaction Series will appear in the next slide.
Reference image:
SwilERP Dashboard Window

Process to Set Series in Format

  1. Select the Transaction Name for which you want to set the format. For example, you selected Purchase Invoice(A) transaction series.
  2. Click on the Edit option. Also, users can create a new transaction series here by clicking on the new option.
Reference image:
Transaction Series Window
  1. Now, here you have to select the Format Name in which you want to set the bill format.
  2. After selecting format this will be set on particular series. (Users can see multiple format name in the drop-down list)
Reference image:
Select Format Window
  1. Save the transaction series with the given option.
  2. And this format will be applied to selected series. When you take a printout for the same invoice, it will show according to this format.

How to print transaction according series

Users can take printouts of selected series invoices in the print transaction option. Follow the below-mentioned steps to know the process.
  1. Go to the Options Menu> Print Transactions option.
  2. After that, a new of Print Transaction will appear in the next slide.
Reference image:
Print Transaction Window
  1. Select the Transaction Name for which you want to take printout.
  2. After selecting transaction name the format file name will be automatically fill.
  3. Select the Range (Transaction series) for which you want to take printout. Here you will see all the created transaction series of purchase invoice.

  4. For example, you selected 1 to 10 invoices count in From to To column.
  5. Click on the Print option to take printout of selected invoices.
Reference image:
Print Transaction Window

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