Step-by-Step Process to Sorting Orders in SwilSORT Mobile Application

Sorting Order in SwilSORT Mobile Application

Step-by-Step Process to Sorting Orders in SwilSORT Mobile Application

Sorting items in the SwilSORT mobile application is a simple process that allows you to organize your content according to your preferences. Follow these step-by-step instructions to use the sorting order feature effectively.
Open the SwilSORT application on your mobile device. Ensure that you have the latest version installed to access all the available features.

Step 1: Generate Sales Invoice, Challan, or Order using RetailGraph

Open the RetailGraph dashboard to initiate the process:

  1. Go to the Sales menu > Sales Invoice.
  2. Click on the '+' sign to open the sales invoice window.
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Step-by-Step Process to creating sales invoice:

  1. Enter Customer name.
  2. Add Reference number and customer details, if needed.
  3. Select the Product from the drop-down or create a new entry.
  4. Choose the Batch number for the product.
  5. MRP and Rate columns will auto-fill.
  6. Enter the Quantity of the product.
  7. Select multiple products if necessary.
  8. Save the invoice with the given option.
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  1. As you can see here In the sales invoices window, the delivery status is set to "Picking" for the created invoice.
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Step 2: Sorting Orders in SwilSORT Application

Open the SwilSORT Mobile app on your device to initiate the next process:

  1. Enter your registered Email Address in the provided field.
  2. Enter your mobile application Password in the password field.
  3. Click on the "Login" option.
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  1. Once logged in to the SwilSORT Mobile app, you see the Last 3 days created sales invoices, orders and challan here which you have created in your RetailGraph.
  2. You can Sort and Filter orders as needed for better organization.
  3. Click on an order to adjust the product quantity.
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  1. Use the (+) and (-) buttons to add & less product quantity.
  2. Submit the changes, which will prompt a pop-up window to enter remarks.
Note: Note: The box color will be red until a shorting total quantity is added. Once the quantity is entered, the box color will change to green.

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  1. Enter Remarks as per your requirement.
  2. Select the Tray ID, if required.
  3. Press "Continue" to proceed, which will move the order to the next step.
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  1. And now in the Sales Invoice window of RetailGraph, you can view the delivery status will be updated.
  2. The order will transition from the "Picking" delivery status to the "Review" delivery status.
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