How to Create & Modify Stock Location in Swil Admin

Step-by-Step Procedure to Create Stock Location

How to Create & Modify Stock Location in Swil Admin

A stock location refers to a designated place where inventory is stored. In Swil Admin, this feature allows users to modify existing stock locations or create new ones. For example, if some items in the total stock are non-saleable, they can be transferred to a separate non-saleable location. By doing so, these items will not be included in the inventory count during the billing process.

First, Login in Swil Admin to Initiate the Process

  1. Go to the Dashboard & click on the Stock Location.
Reference image:
Stock Location Option
  1. A window of created Stock Locations will appear in the next slide.
  2. Here you can Edit the stock location by given option.
  3. To create new stock location click on the Create New(+) option.
Reference image:
Created Stock Location List

How to Create New Stock Location

  1. After clicking on create new button, a stock details window will appear.
  2. Select the Branch for which you want to create stock location.
  3. Enter the name of the Location that you have been creating.
  4. If you want to give Short name to the created location then enter it in the Alias column.
  5. If you want to enter the Address, Station, Locality, Pin Code, and Other contact details, fill them in the columns.
  6. Users can tick mark on the given options to include them in the stock location.
  7. Click on the Save option.

Note: It is mandatory to tick mark on Billing Location when you create a Saleable stock location.

Reference image:
Location Details Window
Note: The created stock location will be auto-implement in the software.

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