How to View Supplier Product/Bill Wise Analysis Reports in SwilERP Pharmacy Software

Supplier Product/Bill Wise Analysis Report

How to View Supplier Product/Bill Wise Analysis Reports in SwilERP

Meaning of Supplier Product wise and Bill wise Purchase Analysis.

The purchase analysis report details the costs of purchasing every product during a given period. This report helps to analyze data and avoid problems in the business.
In the SwilERP software, there is an option in the Analysis section to view the Supplier Product Wise and Supplier Bill Wise reports under the Purchase Analysis option. In these reports, users can view the details of Supplier (Vendor) name, Product name, Quantity, Purchase Rate, etc.
  1. Open SwilERP Dashboard: 
  1. Go to the Analysis > Purchase Analysis (Old)
  2. Select which report you want to view.
SwilERP Dashboard Window

How to view the details in the report:

1-) Select the Supplier Product Wise Analysis report:

  1. Go to the Area-Product section.
  2. Enter the Date Range 'From to To'.
  3. Select the Report Type in which you want to view data in the report.
  4. Select the Series if required.
  5. Select and apply a filter in the Product, Sales Person, and Vendor tab, according to the requirement.
  6. Select Invoice Attribute if required.
  7. Click on the View tab.
Note: Right-click and select the set grid layout to view the required details in the report. 

Report Window

How to Print/Preview and export the report:

  1. To Print/Preview, and export the report into excel and other formats, follow the below given easy steps:-
  1. Go to the Display section.
  2. To take the Printout, click on the Preview and Print tab.
  3. To export the report, click on the 'T' point and select the required format in which the report will be exported.
Print/Preview And Export Tab Window

2-) Select the Supplier Bill Wise Analysis report:

  1. Go to the Area-Product section.
  2. Enter the Date-Range till which you want to view the Report.
  3. Select the Report Type as per the requirement.
  4. If required, then select the Series.
  5. Select and apply all the required filters in the Product/Sales Person/Vendor tab.
  6. If required, select the Invoice Attribute.
  7. Click on the View tab.
Supplier Bill Wise Report Window

How to convert the Report in Chart form:

  1. Go to the Area-Product section.
  2. Select any data to convert into the Chart form.
  3. Click on the Chart tab.
Chart Tab Window

How to Print & Preview the report:

  1. Go to the Display tab.
  2. Click on the Print and Preview tab to take the printout.
Print & Preview Tab Window

How to Export the report into Excel and other formats:

  1. Select the Display tab.
  2. Click on the 'T' point.
  3. Inside the 'T' point, there are given many types of export formats; select in which you want to export the report.
Export Tab Window

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