How to Update Posting Account & Barcode in System Default

Update Posting A/c & Barcode in SwilERP (RetailGraph)

How to Update Posting Account & Barcode in System Default

Posting in accounting refers to moving a transaction entry from a journal to a ledger, including all of a company's financial accounts. Journal entries are recorded while a Ledger complies with its transaction by accounts, such as assets or liabilities.

A barcode is a small image of lines (bars) and spaces affixed to retail store items, identification cards, and postal mail to identify a particular product number, person, or location.

Start with Login in the SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process:

  1. Go to the Options tab.
  2. Select the System Default option.
Reference Window:
SwilERP Dashboard Window

Note:  As soon as you click on the System Default option, a pop-up window will open and ask for a password. To know the password, you can contact your local service provider or make a ticket on:

Process to Update details of the Posting Account & Barcode in the System Default window:

  1. Select the  "Posting Account & Barcode" section in the System Default window.

1) Posting Account:-

  1. Posting Accounts:- All the posting account details are selected by default. If you want to change in any posting account, you can contact your local service provider and make a ticket on:

2) Barcode:-

  1. Print Barcode:-  This Barcode is used for printing purposes. If the user wants to change the Print Barcode, they can do it from the given Print Barcode option.
  2. Save Barcode:-  When users want to save multiple products at once through the barcode scanner machine, they can set the Barcode in the Save section. 
  3. Initial Barcode:- Suppose you want to mention starting Bar Code No. in the "Initial Barcode" option. By Default, Barcode no. is entered in 14 digits; if you want to Barcode as per your requirement, then please mention Bar Code no. as per your requirement.
  4. Use Weighing Machine Barcode:- If you want to allow a weighing machine, you can tick a mark in the Use Weighing Machine Barcode (Start with 1) option.
  5. Reference Date For Posting:- If you want different dates in the Reference date for the posting and purchase invoicing date, then you can select the Ref date for the Posting objective. 
Reference Window:
System Default Window

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