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Category Tax in Product
How to Change Category Tax Rate for Product in SwilERP (RetailGraph) A Product category is a type of product. The user creates product categories to organize products. With this, we can easily define our products in different-different categories. ...
Category Tax in Product
How to Change Category-Tax in Product Through the SwilERP An organization typically creates product categories to organize products. Also, a product category is a group of similar products with related characteristics. With this, we can easily define ...
Create Product Category (Type)
How to Create Product Category (Type) in SwilERP What is Product category? A product category is a type of product. An organization typically creates product categories to organize products. For example, tablets, sanitizer, syrup, and injection are ...
Create Tax Type Category
How To Create Tax Category in SwilERP (RetailGraph) In SwilERP, you can create a tax category for every slab rate on your sales and purchase transactions. If you want to add a tax rate on your products, you can create it manually, or you can also ...
Create Product Category
Creating a Product Category in SwilERP: Step-by-Step Guide A product category refers to a particular sort of item or service. A company usually creates product categories to arrange products, and users can also edit and view the already created ...