Find out how to view patient queries in SwilERP

View Patient/Customer Query

How to view Patient/Customer Query in SwilERP

What is a Patient/Customer Query?

The patient query is also called a customer query because it provides details of customer-wise transactions. You can view particularly selected account details by selecting a customer and posting account.

Now SwilERP software has an option of Patients Query. With this option, you'll make a query of every patient detail and also users can view the information about Customer detail, Transaction detail, Product detail, and Ledger details. 

Do follow these steps to view the Query
  1. Open the SwilERP dashboard in Queries section:

    1. Go to the Patient Query
SwilERP Dashboard Window
  1. On the next page, you'll see the window of Customer Query:

    1. Go to the Home Tab. 
    2. Enter the Date Range from where you want to view the details. 
    3. Now, Select the Customer/ Patient name to make the query. 
    4. If you want to select Posting Account then, select it from the option given below the customer name.
    5. Users can also Select and Filter the Product. 
    6. Click on the View option on top of the right side.
Customer QueryCustomer Detail Window
  1. To view Transaction detail of the Customer:

    1. Go to the Transaction Detail Tab.
    2. There you'll see the transactions Invoice name, Alias, Frequency, Amount, and Other details. 
Transaction DetailTransaction Window
  1. To view the Sold Products' detail of Customer:

    1. Go to the Product Detail Tab.
    2. In this window, you'll see the name of Products, Qty, Amount, Return, Replacement, and Other details related to sales.  
Product DetailProduct Detail Window
  1. To view the Ledger details of transactions:

    1. Go to the Ledger Detail Tab.
    2. And, there you'll see the Debit/ Credit transaction column. 
    3. Users also can view the Opening balance, As On Balance, Current balance, etc. 
 Ledger detailsLedger Detail Window
  1. Users can also view Customers' Ledger Account and Outstanding Amount:

    1. Go to the Ledger Account to view the details.
    2. To view Customers' Outstanding Amount click on the given option below ledger account.  
Ledger Account and Outstanding AmountHome Tab

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