How to view the patients' generic wise product reports in SwilERP

View Patients Product Generic Wise Report

How to view patients product generic wise report in SwilERP

Meaning of product generic wise report

A generic name is an official non proprietary name of a drug under which it is licensed and identified by the manufacturer. At the same time, when the user creates a sales invoice if they add a generic product name. Then users can view generic name-wise sales product reports. 

In the Reports section, there is an option to view the Product Generic name-wise report. With this option, users can select the valuation rate as per their requirements i.e. Billing Rate, MRP, Net Rate, Purchase Rate, or Sale Rate

To view the report, do follow the below-given instructions
  1. Open SwilERP dashboard in the Reports Section: 

    1. Go to Sales Analysis> Doctor wise> Patients Product Generic Wise
Patients Product Generic WiseSwilERP Dashboard Window
  1. In the next slide, you'll view the product details window:

    1. Go to the Home Tab.
    2. Select Date Range From where you want to view the reports. 
    3. Tick mark on the options, as per requirements- 
      1. Print Product Wise Detail. 
      2. Less Return. 
    1. Select the Valuation Rate as Billing Rate, MRP, Net Rate, Purchase Rate, or Sale Rate in which you want to view transactions sale amount. 
    2. Filter Refer By doctor name or Product.
    3. Click on the View option. 
product details windowHome Window
  1. To Print and Preview the Reports:

    1. Go to the Display option.
    2. Click on the Print and Preview Option to print your reports.
Print and Preview the ReportsDisplay Window
  1. To convert your reports into excel format:

    1. Go to the Display tab.
    2. Then, click on the 'T' point and select the option in which you want to convert your reports.
excel formatDisplay Window

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