Learn How to View, Print, and Export Product Bill Wise Report in SwilERP

Product Bill Wise Report

How To View Product Bill Wise Report In SwilERP

What Is Product Bill Wise Report?

This report displays the product bill wise details of all the purchase invoices. In this report, users can view the list of all the bills receivable from every party. This report shows all the transactions which happened at the time of purchase.

In SwilERP dashboard go to the Reports section and all the details will be available in the Product Bill Wise report for example products name, invoice number, entry date, quantity and the total amount of product.

Select Product Bill Wise from Purchase Reports Under Reports :

Open SwilERP dashboard:
  1. Go to the Reports:-
  2.  Purchase Reports > Product Bill Wise.
 Product Bill WiseDashboard Window

How to view report:

  1. Next you will see Product Bill Wise window:-
  1. Go to the Product Area section.
  2. With the Date Range the user can view a report in day wise, month wise or year wise. The user can click the arrows to view the previous and next days, months or years (depending on the current view).
  3. Select the Report Type in which you want details in the report, for example-monthly, quarterly, cumulative, etc.
  4. Select Series and Invoice Attribute options, if required.
  5. Using filters on Product/Sales Person/Vendor can make it easier for users to navigate products by allowing them to search the way they want to.
  6. Now, click on View tab.                 
view reportReport Window

Report view in Chart form:

  • Follow the below given steps how to convert a report into a Chart form:-
  • In Product Area section.

  • Select the data or any column in the report to convert into chart form.

  • Now, click on Chart tab.

  • Under the Chart tab there are given many chart options user can select any of these as per the requirement.

Chart formChart Report Window

How to Print and Preview report:

  1.  To take a Printout and Preview this report:-
  1. Select the Display section.
  2. Click on the Preview tab when you want to view how your report will appear when printed.
  3. Click on the Print tab to take a printout.
Display sectionPrint And Preview Window

How to export report:

  1. To Export report into Excel format:-
     Export the report which is currently displayed on your screen. Follow these easy steps to convert report into Excel             formats:-
  1. Go to the Display section.
  2. Click on the 'T' point.
  3. Inside the 'T' point select one of the export formats as per requirement:-
    1. Excel 
    2. Text
    3. PDF
    4. XML
    5. HTML
    6. RTF
    7. Advance Options
export reportExport Report Window

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