View Purchase Cr/Dr Note Status
How to View Purchase Credit/Debit Note Status Report in SwilERP (RetailGraph)
After creating a purchase credit or debit note in SwilERP software, it's important to keep track of its transaction status. You can easily view the transaction status report from the Reports section of the software. This report provides a comprehensive overview of all the transactions related to your purchase credit or debit note, including the transaction name, vendor name, net amount, amount, status, adjusted amount, and pending amount.
To view the transaction status report, follow these steps:
Start with Login in the SwilERP Dashboard to initiate the process:
- Go to the Reports menu
- Select Transaction Status Report > Purchase Cr/Dr Note Status.
Reference Image:
SwilERP Dashboard Window
How to view the details in the next slide:
- Go to the Home tab.
- Select the Date Range 'From to To.'
- Select the Report Type in which you want to view the details.
- Select the below option per the requirement, and the transaction status will show accordingly.
- You can apply a filter in the Vendor tab.
- Select the Series List, if required.
- Now, click on the View tab.
Report Window- In the selected Home tab.
- Click on the given Chart option.
- Inside the Chart tab, given many types of charts, select in which you want to convert data.
Chart Tab WindowHow to Analyze the Data of Purchase Credit/Debit Notes:
- Go to the Analysis tab.
- Select the Date Range 'From to To.'
- The next step is to click on the View tab.
- Use the field list to arrange fields in a Pivot Table.
- After choosing fields, you will see the data in Analysis Grid.
- To save this report, give the name and click on the Save tab.
- If you want to open the previous report, enter that report name and click on the Open tab.
- Users can Remove/Export, and Import the report as their requirement.
- You can set Grid as per the requirement.
How to use the Areas Section:
- Use the areas section (at the bottom) of the field list to rearrange fields the way you want by dragging them between the four areas.
- Fields that you place in different areas are shown in the PivotTable as follows:
1. Filters
2. Columns
3. Rows
4. Value.
Analyze Details Window- After choosing fields to add to the report, select the given Chart option.
- According to the selected fields, details will show in the chart format.
Chart Analyze Data WindowHow to view Analyze Raw Data details:
- Go to the Analysis tab.
- Select the given Raw Data option to view the details.
- Enter the name and click on the Save tab to save this report.
- If you want to open the previous report, enter that report name and click on the Open tab.
- Users can Remove/Export, and Import the report as their requirement.
- You can set the Grid if you want to do it.
Analyze Raw Data WindowHow to Print and Preview the Report:
- Go to the Display tab.
- To take the printout click on the Preview and Print tab.
Print and Preview Tab Window- In the selected Display tab.
Export Tab Window
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