How to view Tax Audit Report in SwilERP (Retailgraph) Software
In the SwilERP Software, a new feature is added for the users: 'Tax Audit Report'. Users can view the Tax Audit Report In the GST tool.
To know the process of viewing a Tax Audit report, follow the below-given steps:
Note: Before doing this process, your SwilERP Software should be updated to the new version (Release#
Start with Login in the SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process:
- Go to the GST menu.
- Select the Tax Audit option.
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SwilERP Dashboard Window
Note: After that, a new pop-up window will appear.
- Select the Date Range 'From to To'. (for instance, you selected the 1st of april to current date)
- Next, click on "Ok".
- After clicking on the "Ok" button, a new window will appear. Please select the file path and enter the file name, then Save it.
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File Saving WindowAfter saving the file destination, an Excel file will open in your system:
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Note: After generating the Tax Audit Report in an Excel file, the next process is you can tally this report with the GST query details. Below is how to tally Tax Audit reports with GST Query details.
Follow the below process how to view the GST Query details:
- Go to the GST tab.
- Select the GST Query option.
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SwilERP Dashboard WindowHow to view the GST Query details:
- Go to the Home tab.
- Select the Date-Range 'From to To' from which you want to view the details.
- Click on the View tab.
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GST Query Details WindowNote: As you can see in the above window, the taxable amount for purchase (composition), total taxable amount for the purchase, and taxable amount for unregistered entities are the same as the respective columns in the Tax Audit report.