How to view Vendor Ledger report, print, export or analyze in Retailgraph software

View Vendor/Supplier Ledger Report

How to View Vendor Ledger Report in SwilERP (RetailGraph) Software

What is a Vendor/Supplier Ledger?

The Vendor Ledgers consist of all transactions relating to each Vendor or supplier. The open entries for each supplier will show the invoices that have yet to be paid or matched with either payment or credit notes. The users can also analyze the ledger details in the supplier Ledger report.

SwilERP software provides you a feature to view the Vendor/Supplier Ledger report. This article will teach you how to view and analyze vendor ledger details. Firstly you have to go to the Reports menu; inside the reports menu, there is an option available that is  Vendor Ledger; open  it with a single click, and in this report, the users can view the vendor name, opening balance, purchase date, due amount, net amount, due balance, etc.  Do follow the below steps to view the report:

Start with Login in the SwilERP dashboard to initiate the process:
  1. Select the Reports menu.
  2. Then select, Purchase Reports > Vendor Ledger.
Reference window:
SwilERP Dashboard Window

Let's see how to view the data in this report:

  1. Firstly, go to the  Home  tab.
  2. Select the  Date Range ' From to To.'
  3. Select the  Location  from the drop-down list.
  4. Select the  Report Type  and select the option in which you want to view the details.
  5. As per the requirement, you can tick or untick in the below-given options:
  1. Only unadjusted transactions.
  2. Print PDC Entries.
  3. Print Opening Balance.
  1. If the users want to view the details of a particular  Vendor  and  the Posting Account  of a vendor, they can select these from the given option.
  2. Click on the  Vendor  tab, and apply a filter according to the requirements.
  3. Now, click on the  View  tab.
Reference window:
Ledger Report Window

How to convert the data into Chart form:

  1. From the Home tab.
  2. Click on the Chart tab.
  3. Inside the chart tab, there are given many options of chart form, select in which you want to convert the data.
Reference window:
Chart Tab Window

How to Analyze the Vendor's Ledger data:

  1. Go to the  Analysis  tab.
  2. Select the  Date-Range  from which you want to analyze the details.
  3. Click on the  View  tab.
  4. Use the field list to arrange fields in a Pivot Table.
  5. After choosing fields, you will see the data in  Analysis Grid.
  6. Enter the name and click on the  Save  tab to save this report.
  7. If you want to open the previous report, enter that report name and click on the Open tab.
  8. Users can  Remove/Export/Import  the report as their requirement.
  9. You can set  Grid  as per the requirement.
Reference window:
Analysis Data Window

How to use the Areas Section:

         Use the areas section (at the bottom) of the field list to rearrange fields the way you want by dragging them between the  four areas. 

          Fields that you place in different areas are shown in the PivotTable as follows:
  1. Filters    
  2. Columns
  3. Rows
  4. Values 
Reference window:
Analysis Report Window

How to view the Analysis data in chart form:

  1. After analyzing the data, if you want to view the details in the Chart form, click on the given chart option.
Reference window:

How to view Raw data of vendors' ledger details:

  1. To view the Raw Data of ledger ,click on the given option.
Reference window:
Raw Data Window

How to Print and Preview the report:

  1. Go to the  Display  tab.
  2. If the user wants to take the printout of this report, they can select the  Print  and  Preview  tab.
Reference window:
Print & Preview Tab

How to Export the report into the excel and other formats:

  1. From the  Display  tab.
  2. Click on the ' T ' point.
  3. Inside the ' T ' point, there are given many export formats; select which format you want to export the report.
Reference window:
Export Tab Window

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