Consolidate Report of Ledger Display

Consolidate Report of Ledger Display

How to View Consolidate Report of Ledger Display in SwilERP Enterprise

The Ledger Display is a feature of accounting. SwilERP, that presents a summary of all transactions for a specific period or a customized timeframe. It typically includes details such as starting and ending balances, along with a breakdown of transactions organized by account.

To access consolidated ledger data, log in with your admin user and use the ledger display option. This feature allows users to view combined data from all branches in SwilERP enterprise. Lets see how this feature operates in SwilERP.

Start with Login in SwilERP "Admin User"

  1. Go to Menu> Consolidated Data> Account Reports> Ledger Display option.
Reference image:
SwilERP Dashboard Window

How to View Ledger Display Report

  1. Select the Date Range in the respective columns "From" to "To".
  2. Choose the Account name for the report you want to view.
  3. Select parameters show 0 balance account and include nil transaction a/c, if you want to include them in report.
  4. Click on the View button.
Reference image:
SwilERP Ledger Display Window
  1. You can view all the Consolidated Data for the ledger account here.
  2. The report displays information about various Accounts, including their Names, whether they are Debits or Credits, and their associated Account Groups.

How to View Report in Chart Format

  1. Click on the Chart button to view data in chart format.
Reference image:
Chart Format Window

How to Take Print or Download Report in Excel Format

  1. Go to the Display section.
  2. Click on the Print button to take a printout of report.
  3. Click on the "T" button and here you will see multiple options to convert the report.
Reference image:
Display Options Window

Additional Features

  1. Set Grid Layout: This option allows you to customize your report by selecting the specific details you want to see. Read More.
  2. Save Layout: This feature allows you to save the report layout you have created with the customization option.

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