How SwilERP (RetailGraph) Offline Setup Work for the Branches
What does mean by offline setup?
Offline setup of RetailGraph, you can set up your RetailGraph's database according to the branches. You can do this work offline, but the internet is required for exporting and importing data. First, you need to installed the RetailGraph in different locations to set your offline setup.
can be implemented in offline mode with
consolidated database
That means you can view data or report of locations and warehouse in the consolidated database. You can create the products from the master data to flow the inventory correctly.
In Consolidation database users can view the data and records. Updates from locations will be shared to consolidated database on regular intervals; say every one hour or at desired frequency. For this you must have internet connection in your system. A new license is required, including registration of locations and users to run the consolidated database separately.
Master data:
Master products can be created centrally and shared with different locations. In the offline setup, product flow is done by only master data.
The below-given image for your reference, you can understand the offline process from here:
Here are the steps to setup your offline process in RetailGraph:
Create Master Data
When you create a master data in master database the same data flow in every location and from here you can start your working. To create a master data in RetailGraph follow the below-given process.
Step 1: Create Product Master in your Master data
The first step
is creating products. When you create a product in master data, that will automatically flow in every location.
If you have an offline setup, then product creation is done by master data. Otherwise, if you manually create a product in your branch, the system receives a duplicate product entry in stock.
Go to the Master section from RetailGraph dashboard:
Click on the
Product Master Window
Go to the Product tab to add product details:
Create a
Marketing Group
or select it from the dropdown list.
Select product
from the list or you can create it manually according to the product.
If you add
name, then fill in the details, if required.
Enter the
name which you want to create it.
Enter the details in
Size/ Strength
of your product.
Give a short name in
Enter the details of
HSN code, Sales tax,
purchase Tax
, if required.
Enter the
Billing unit
in the columns. (If user wants to sell a product in loose so click on the "Sell Loose")
If you want to do
Shelf management,
then enter the shelf number.
Select the
Rate Unit,
in which unit you purchased and sold.
Enter the
name, if you want to give a salt name to your product.
Product Tab
Go to the additional details tab:
If a user wants to add
MRP, Purchase rate,
Sales rate
then that can also be added.
Users can also fill in
Stock Details
manually in this option.
Add or less the Discount
amount accordingly.
Additional Details Tab
In Lot details and Images window :
In this user can automatically see the Quantity of a particular product.
And, also users can put the mages as per their requirements.
the page.
Lot Details and Images Window
Step 2: Create Vendor Master in your Master data
Second step
, a master of vendors can be created centrally and can be shared with different branches. If you create a schedule for vendors, it will automatically flow in branches. Updates from stores/ branches will be shared to the central database at regular intervals, say every one hour or at the desired frequency. Here is the process that needs to be followed to create a vendor.
Go to the Masters section from the RetailGraph dashboard:
Click on the
Customer/Vendor> Vendor.
Vendor Window
In the Vendor details tab
Enter the
name in column.
Give a sub name in the Alias
Fill up details in the Address, Station,
State, and Pincode dialog box.
Enter the Contact details
of your vendor.
E-Mail id, Date of birth also fill in these details as per your requirements.
if you want to do an accounting of transactions.
Select the Location where you want to show the vendors' details.
Vendor Details Tab
In the Additional Details tab
In the additional details, users can add the status of
vendors and also fill in the details of
and other
details of your business.
Additional Details Window
In the Approved Product tab
With this option, users can create a list of particular products that they always purchased from vendors. They can apply filter and select the products from this option.
Approved Products Tab
In the Price List tab
Select the Product from product filter and click on the Update tab.
Now, you can set MRP and Sale Rate
according to you.
You can also
Import the List
of the products from the option of Import.
After filling all the details
Save the Window.
Price List Window
Step 3: Create Branch in your Head Office data
The third step
is to create branches in your Head Office data by giving them a unique number. From there, you can manage and create multiple branches. And easily transfer your stock from head office to your another branch.
After creating a branch, users can use the option of
Branch Transfer (Out)
to transfer or receive their inventory from one to another branch. With RetailGraph, you can export bulk data manually or directly upload the stock data.
For Example, if your stock is in the Head office and you want to transfer stock to the Ajmer road branch, then you can easily transfer your stock from these options.
Here is the process to create branches in your head office data
Go to the Master section in RetailGraph dashboard.
Click on the Other> Branch.
Branch Section
After that the next window of branch creation will appear:
Click on the
tab to create a new branch.
First, select the
type as
Branch Depot.
Enter the
Branch Name
as per your
Now, enter the important part Number
of your branch.
You can
create password
of your branch.
Fill in the details of your branch in the
Fill the
licence details
i.e any food licence or drug licence and update
GST Number.
- Save
the page.
Branch Creation
Step 4: Link Branches with Head Office
After creating branches, you have to link up with your branches to transfer your inventory. To transfer your stock from head office to another branch, you must create a customer of the same branch in the customer section. After creating a customer name, follow the below-mentioned process.
1. Add Customer in Branch
Go to Branch that you were created and click on the Edit option.
Edit Option Tab
the customer name in branch section.
After selecting
from the drop-down list you have to
this page.
Create Branch Window
2. Add Products in branch a transfer out window
First, you have to create series of sales invoice in the transaction series section, for selecting entry number. Go to the
Master section> Others> Transaction series
and click on the new option to create series.
Select the transaction name as
Sales Invoice.
Enter the
of your series.
Add series
Starting Number
descriptions, format date
name will automatically be filled.
Billing Rate.
Important part, select the
Document name
Branch Transfer.
the window.
The second step is
to create a schedule to upload transfer data in database. After creating a schedule, when you save the branch transfer window, there will show a pop-up notification to upload data or not. Follow the below-given instructions to create it.
Go to the
Tools Section> Schedule SMS/ Email.
Then, select the schedule for Transaction.
Select schedule as
Upload in database.
Now, select transaction/report as
Branch Transfer (Out).
the window.
The Third step
is, Export your data with export/import data section, to export the bulk data of inventory. In this, first you have to link customer with the given option. Go to the
options> export/import data and click on the Customer Link
Export/Import Data
After clicking on this option, a pop-up window of linking customer will appear. Enter the RG RegNo
in the same customers' column, and Save the window.
Linking Window
The fourth
step is if users want to transfer their stock from head office to another branch. You can transfer the product manually by export/import data option or upload it by creating the schedule. Follow the below-mentioned products to transfer your inventory.
Go to the
Sales section> Branch Transfer (Out).
Branch Transfer Out Section
In the next page, a branch transfer (out) window will appear:
Select name of the
customer/ branch
from the name column.
In this window, you only view the customers name that will be added in branches.
Select the
Entry number,
that transaction series you created previously.
Select the
from the drop-down list and also add their
Products Add Tab
While saving the window you receive a notification to
Upload Data
in your system, if you want to upload data then press
After saving this page, data will automatically transfer to another branch.

3. Receive data from the Import transaction option
After the transfer (out) of your data, your stock will automatically be shown in the import transaction section. To receive the stock data, Go to the
Options> Import Transactions.
Click on the
There you'll see the transfer data, select your data from
Select the
name. Once you select these details, those details will automatically be filed for the same branch in the next transaction.
Click on the
Import Transaction Window
4. Export the bulk data of inventory to your branch Manually
step is, click on the
Export Transaction
option, to export the data.
First, select the
in which you want to export your file.
Select the transaction as
Branch transfer (out)
Entry Number
will be
automatically filled or if you have multiple series then select it from the drop-down list.
Select the
to save the file in your system or you can direct send an
from the given option.
Export Transaction Window
5. Import the bulk data of inventory to your branch Manually
The first
step is, you have to create a vendor of the same branch from which your data is exported in your stock. After creating a vendor, add the vendor to your branch. The below-given screen is for your reference.
Branch Creation
The second
step is, you have to create a series of Purchase invoices in the transaction series section for selecting the entry number. Go to the
Master section> Others> Transaction series
and click on the new option to create the series.
Add transaction as
Purchase Invoice.
Enter the transaction name which you want to create.
Enter the starting number of your series and select the location.
name as
Branch Transfer
the page.
Transaction Series Window
The third
step is manually importing data from the Import/ Export data. First, you have to link your vendor from the given option. Go to the
options> export/import data
and click on the
Link Vendor
Link Vendor Window
After clicking on this option, a pop-up window of linking vendor will appear. Enter the
RG RegNo
in the same vendors' column, and
the window.
Link Vendor Window
In the fourth step, click on the Import Transaction option to import the data:
First, select the Format
in which you want to import your file.
Select the transaction as
Branch transfer (in)
Entry Number
will be automatically filled or if you have multiple series then you can select it from the drop-down list.
Select the
to import the file from your system.
And, there is an also option of
Save As Draft
Import Transaction Window
And that's how you can start working in the offline process of RetailGraph.